Seattle is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai

Seattle is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai

The city of Seattle in the United States has filed a lawsuit against automakers Kia and Hyundai for allegedly failing to install anti-theft technology in certain vehicles, which has helped increase auto theft in the metropolitan area.

According to the municipality, the two companies are aware of the public safety concerns surrounding the rise in vehicle thefts from Kia and Hyundai and have taken no steps to address these concerns.

In Seattle, Kia and Hyundai brand car thefts increased by 363% and 503%, respectively, between 2021 and 2022, local news station KIRO7 reported.

“Kia and Hyundai have chosen to cut corners and cut costs at the expense of their customers and the public. As a result, our police force has had to deal with a huge increase in vehicle thefts and related problems with already limited resources. Now Seattle taxpayers must bear the brunt of the escalating theft,” said Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison, who believes the two manufacturers should share their blame.

While many stolen cars have been involved in serious accidents and even robberies, Seattle wants compensation and is demanding that both manufacturers install anti-theft systems on vulnerable vehicles.

In a statement sent to KIRO7, Hyundai called the lawsuit “unreasonable and unnecessary.”

“Hyundai is also making available free steering wheel locks to select law enforcement agencies across the country, including the Seattle area, for distribution to residents who own or lease the affected models, when possible,” a company spokesman said.