Singing lullabies like ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ could help put long Covid to bed, research suggests.
Patients attending a program run by English National Opera found that singing made it easier for them to breathe.
The once-weekly program has been running since 2020 and aims to heal recovered virus patients who are struggling with shortness of breath.
It envisages long Covid sufferers attending sessions with an ENO singer where they will participate in breathing exercises, such as singing lullabies and making noises with straws.
Lullabies were chosen because they are short, easy to remember, and soothing.
The results of a study that compared the results of ENO Breathe participants to a control group found that the program resulted in greater improvements in their breathing and psychological well-being.
With hundreds of thousands of Britons estimated to be long ill with Covid, experts say it is crucial that new evidence-based treatments are developed.
Could singing be the key to long blasting Covid? A randomized study of 150 Brits and English National Opera suggests so (stock image)
What is Long Covid and what does the NHS recommend for it?
An estimated 1.33 million people in the UK had long Covid as of January 2, according to the Office of National Statistics.
Long Covid is an informal term used to describe persistent symptoms after Covid infection lasting more than 12 weeks.
A dizzying array of symptoms have been attributed to the long Covid, including:
- extreme tiredness (tiredness)
- shortness of breath
- chest pain or tightness
- Impaired memory and concentration (“brain fog”)
- sleep disorders (insomnia)
- palpitations
- dizziness
- needles and pins
- joint pain
- depression and anxiety
- Tinnitus, earache
- Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite
- Fever, cough, headache, sore throat, changes in smell or taste
- skin rashes
Long Covid is a poorly understood condition that can cause fatigue, shortness of breath and memory problems in survivors months after their illness.
There is no known cure, instead the NHS aims to help those affected find ways to alleviate their symptoms or improve their condition.
Researchers from Imperial College London compared the results of 150 long Covid patients, 74 of whom were on the ENO’s Breathe program – which lasts six weeks.
The others received general NHS treatment, which includes physical therapy such as general breathing exercises, physical exercises, balance training and fatigue management.
Researchers asked each participant to rate their breathlessness out of 100 while at rest, while walking, climbing stairs, and running.
While both groups improved in their condition, the singing group saw a greater reduction in their respiratory distress scores.
Singing patients reported an average 10.48 point reduction in shortness of breath when running compared to the control group.
They also recorded an 8.44 fall when climbing stairs and a 2.72 fall when walking.
However, the non-singers reported a slightly greater improvement in their average resting breathlessness.
Participants were also compared for improvements in their mental health over the six weeks.
The researchers found that after the program, the singers improved by an average of 2.42 points compared to the control group.
One Breathe participant, a 44-year-old woman, said: “I felt like ENO Breathe healed the trauma I experienced and continue to experience: having an unknown illness and not knowing if I ever will become [be] better and has received little medical care for over a year.’
The lead author of the study, Dr. Imperial’s Keir Philip, a heart and lung health expert, said that with an estimated one in 50 people who have had Covid for a long time, finding new evidence-based treatments is crucial.
“Our study suggests that the improvements in symptoms experienced by participants are a result of both the hands-on breathing techniques learned and the creative, humane and positive way the program is delivered,” he said.
co-author Dr. Sarah Elkin, a respiratory specialist, said Britain’s recovery from the pandemic must include ways to help long Covid patients.
“It is important that we find ways to support people with long Covid who have debilitating symptoms long after recovering from their first Covid infection,” she said.
Their results were published in the journal The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
A report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimated that as of Jan. 2, 1.33 million adults were suffering from Long-Covid symptoms. The graph above shows the change in long-Covid prevalence during the pandemic but gives the rate in thousands
The chairman of the ENO, Dr. Harry Brünjes said the opera company was extremely proud of its Breathe program and how it has helped people suffering from debilitating long-term Covid symptoms.
“Research like this shows the tremendous benefits the art can have when applied in a medical context,” he said.
A limitation of the study is that participants were asked to rate their shortness of breath rather than measuring lung function with medical instruments, an option the researchers chose to increase participation in the study.
Another reason is that the vast majority of participants were white women, with an average age of 49, meaning results may be limited.
In February, an Office of National Statistics report estimated that 1.33 million adults were suffering from long-term Covid symptoms as of January 2.