1675207236 Isabela Scalabrini leaves Rede after 44 years

Isabela Scalabrini leaves Rede after 44 years

Isabella Scalabini In 2020, the reporter had expressed her desire to leave the station (Photo: Marcos Vieira/EM/DA Press 02/08/2010)
Globo reporter Isabela Scalabrini is leaving the station after 44 years with the company. She and the broadcaster have reached an agreement after the pro expressed a desire to quit his duties in 2020 to have more time for his private life. The departure was scheduled for January of this year. She started in television as an intern, then listened to police and fire radio before becoming a sportscaster as late as the 1980s and becoming one of the first women in national sports journalism. . . She has also participated in coverage of the Los Angeles Olympics and the Seoul Olympics.

The channel’s general director of journalism, Ali Kamel, praised the journalist in an internal communiqué, as is customary when a professional leaves the channel. He said Scalabrini is one of the pioneers of sports journalism reporting she is often the only female reporting in a maledominated field.

Kamel said the journalist wanted to retire from Globo since 2020, but he managed to delay the decision through talks. He said he was hoping she would change her mind, but late last year they got back together and agreed on a date when they would leave the station. “She feels completely fulfilled and says looking back is nothing but pride. She’s right,” Kamel said.


“In 2020, just before the pandemic, Isabela Scalabrini came to me and said she was preparing to end her collaboration with Globo. She explained to me that after 44 years at the station, she wanted more time for herself. We agreed to talk again and we did the following year, I had a glimmer of hope that she had changed her mind. Isabela stayed with us in 2021 and 2022 but signaled she was leaving. She got back to me late last year I understood her reasons and agreed to announce this today.

In conversation, she told me a truth that should inspire anyone passionate about journalism: She feels completely fulfilled and says she looks back and is only proud. She is right.

In 1979, Isabela attended university at night and worked as a street reporter at the Rdio Nacional in the mornings. She was accepted into Globo’s internship competition after taking general knowledge tests (almost like an entrance exam) with hundreds of other candidates and later undergoing selective interviews with JN editors in a smaller group. Ten women were admitted. The internship lasted about a year and Isabela went through all areas of journalism. The contract was signed in January 1980.

The first postemployment mission was to work at the Rio Editoria polling station. He made dozens of rounds on the phone with firefighters and police officers that’s when a reporter learned to ask questions. During this time he made his first report for JN. When we were filming, there was always a very small film in the camera: but she did one “run” and one interview without any mistakes (“in a blue blouse”), she told me during our last conversation. Within six months, a position opened up in the athletic department and she changed. She was a pioneer.

In the 1980s there were very few women in sports journalism few in radio and newspapers. At Globo, reporter Mnika Leito was scheduled for the Moscow Olympics (1980) but resigned soon after. For many years, Isabela was the only woman on our sports team. In the stadiums, on matchdays, the crowd reacted with all sorts of biased jokes when they were on the pitch. The question I heard most often was: “Do you understand football?”. She didn’t go into the dressing room, of course. It was the players who walked to the door for the shot. But she never failed to report a fact and was not disregarded by players or coaches. She never stopped doing sports coverage because she was a woman. She recalls that it was Hedyl Valle Jnior who had the audacity to cast her for international reporting.

In 1986, at the World Cup in Mexico, he accompanied Maradona’s Argentine team. She was practically the only female reporter at the event. There he also heard many jokes from reporters of different nationalities. But Maradona gave her an interview that began solely with the Argentine team focusing but soon turned into a press conference with surprised reporters rushing over and trying to reach her.

At the Los Angeles Olympics, she watched the arrival of the women’s marathon at the Coliseum. He recounted his Gabrielle Andersen’s struggle to finish the race: she was writhing in convulsions and wouldn’t let anyone touch her until she crossed the finish line (only then did she fall to the ground and be treated). The picture is considered one of the most important in world sports.

And at the Seoul Olympics, he conducted a controversial interview with runner Joaquim Cruz, in which he denounced the use of anabolic steroids by American athletes after Canadian Ben Johnson was disqualified for doping. The interview had global repercussions. Joaquim trained with them in the United States and left the Olympics after being heavily criticized for accusing other athletes of doping. He had won a silver medal in the 800 meters a few days earlier and had given up the 1500 meters.

There have been many memorable stories in sports coverage. Until recently, I was called upon to speak about this pioneering spirit in football. In 1993, after twelve years, she was invited to work at Editoria Rio. From this period, I would like to highlight her coverage of the Candelária massacre and the murder of Daniela Perez.

Over so many decades he has had the privilege of interviewing Ayrton Senna, Pel, Tom Jobim, Luciano Pavarotti, Kurt Cobain and many others. And know the world. Reporting on the Rio Carnival was one of his passions. It’s more than thirty years live on the Avenue! Several interviews conducted by Isabela can be seen in recent GloboPlay documentaries demonstrating their relevance and quality Pep, Castor de Andrade and Garrincha. It’s worth checking out.

1998 a turning point. He moved to Belo Horizonte, where he stayed for another 25 years. She presented MGTV from 1998 to 2019 and today, a respected personality from Minas Gerais, standing on the street, viewers recognize her professionalism. Day in, day out, as late as January, he was in JN with talent and BH spots. An absolute pro.

By saying goodbye to Isabela with this text, I emphasize my respect for her. And on behalf of Globo, I would like to thank you for the journalism practiced here: pioneering work paired with high quality!”