1675234470 Psychic draws cards to find out if Lula will confiscate

Psychic draws cards to find out if Lula will confiscate Brazilians’ savings

Sulamite Sulamita printed letters about the possible confiscation of Brazilians’ savings (Photo: Reproduction/Youtube Luz de Cigana Sulamita OFFICIAL) In recent weeks, after some announcements by President Luiz Inácio Lula’s team, the topic of economy in Brazil has been on the agenda da Silva ( P.T.). In a video forecasting the Brazilian economy, gypsy Sulamita — a wellknown social media seer — drew drawings of letters about a possible confiscation of Brazilians’ savings, as happened in 1990 during the Collor government.

As usual, the gypsy made two simultaneous ninecard decks with two different decks.

The first card Sulamita shows is the “clouds” that appears in both games and may be related to the possibility of the confiscation of savings that took place in the 1990 Collor government cannot be ruled out. “It wouldn’t be impossible.”

The Gypsy also showed the “Person” card and the “Rat” card meaning to take something from someone.

The cards “Flowers” and “Birds” are also repeated in the games. “The birds are sending the Brazilians towards calm,” explains Sulamita.

The ‘House’ map, which refers to the earth, according to the gypsy, “indicates the opening of paths, despite the clouds, which we have passed and will pass, but I am not talking about confiscation”. It also lists the ‘key’ card.

Confiscate or not?

According to Sulamita, the Ways and Fruits letters reinforce the notion that there will be no confiscation of funds. “The fruits are our money that we sweat to save a bit to pay our bills.”

She also reported that the “Brief” (brings news), “Foie” (court), “Co” (loyalty) and “Heart” cards suggest no confiscation of savings is taking place. “I’ll be honest, I don’t see it. But I don’t see that it would be impossible,” he also emphasized.

The last cards Sulamita showed were “Alianza” and “Berge”, meaning changes and a new alliance with Lula in the coming days.

New trading currency circulation forecast by Lula

At the beginning of the video, Sulamita had already said that she would be doing a new print run of letters to question the spirituality of the new trading currency Lula announced.

On Jan. 23, the president, who was on an official trip to Argentina, spoke about negotiating a common currency with the neighboring country to be used in trade transactions between the two governments.

When drawing cards, the gypsy showed that the cards “man” and “rats” were repeated from the first game. “This currency would not be good for our country,” he said.

However, the game also had the “Lily” card, another one that came out in the previous game. “This is about the center, which is a very positive card that neutralizes evil,” he explains.

“This currency, people can try anything to implement it, but I don’t see it in the future. First, because it would hurt Brazil’s economy too much,” Sulamita said.

The other cards in the game “Books”, “Hearts” and “Fruits” (repeat from the previous game), “Queen” (representing the earth) support the claim that the new currency will not move forward.

The Gypsy also predicted many things that may come to light in the coming days based on the Fortune and Knight cards.