Woman with schizophrenia dies in apartment body found 3 years

Woman with schizophrenia dies in apartment, body found 3 years later

THE body by Laura Winham, 38, was found by police and family members at her home after spending three and a half years dead at the scenein Surrey, southeast England, in May 2021.

According to The Guardian, the body of the British woman has been found in “mummified, almost skeletal condition”. After reviewing the dental records, the family’s attorneys reported this It turns out she died in November 2017.

In a statement to police, the family allege the victim was “abandoned and left to die” by the NHS, the UK Health Network and social welfare services.

The family members also claim that the pros missed several chances to rescue them Neglect your welfare before your death and for failure to make routine visits that may led to the discovery of his body.

Laura’s relatives explained this to the BBC were unable to contact the victim due to UK data protection laws. Since the woman who suffered from schizophrenia refused to keep in touch with them believing they wanted to harm her.

“It’s heartbreaking to think of how she lived in her final years, unable to ask for help with no one around, it’s just tragic,” Nicky Winham, Laura’s sister, told The Guardian.

“We always hoped that with professional help she would be better and that one day we would be in touch again. We didn’t believe for a second that we would end up finding her dead on the ground after lying there without anyone knowing.”

The case is being investigated by the British judiciary.

A similar case occurred in London

Sheila Seleoane, 58 years old, lived there alone and died in August 2019. but her body was only found in february 2022.

Sheila had no friends or family to trace her whereabouts during the two and a half years she was missing.