Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

Governor of Bolivia imprisoned is a departmental

He mentioned, among other disadvantages, the delay in administrative procedures, the completion of new public investment works and the execution of ongoing works.

Camacho, who is being investigated in the Coup d’état I file, remains in pre-trial detention for four months in Chonchocoro Maximum Security Prison in La Paz Department.

In this case, he is being investigated for terrorism, active bribery and seduction of troops during the breach of constitutional order in Bolivia in November 2019.

As a result of this conspiracy, a de facto government was installed, 37 people were murdered, hundreds were injured and thousands of human rights violations were recorded in the repression of those demanding the restoration of democracy.

However, the majority of the members of the departmental assembly and the national legislature of Creemos, his party, refused to give the lieutenant governor Mario Aguilera the opportunity to make the replacement provided for in the constitutional statute of this territory.

According to Laura, this decision causes delays in the cataloging of new public investment projects.

Likewise, obstacles arise in the signing of agreements, for example between the government and a municipality.

“He will have to overcome the obstacle of having the documents sent to La Paz, where he is being held, and that is taking longer than it usually takes,” he explained in an interview with state broadcaster Bolivia TV.

In addition, he pointed out, another obstacle are the decisions that correspond to the highest executive authority, such as the state.

Despite his arrest, Camacho is determined to remain in office.
