Without a ticket for their baby a Belgian couple tries

Without a ticket for their baby, a Belgian couple tries to board at Tel Aviv Airport without him

The scene shocked employees at the Ryanair company the couple was supposed to be traveling with. Two Belgians tried to leave their child at Tel Aviv airport on Tuesday, January 31, the Israel Airport Authority reported, information leaked by many media outlets including the Times of Israel.

Arriving late to catch their plane to Brussels, the couple, who had not taken a ticket for their little boy, chose to leave him at the check-in counter, which was nevertheless closed. Pictures of the child in a stuffed animal were posted on social networks.

As they rushed through security, the two parents were intercepted by airport officials before they were taken – along with their child – to the police hearing.

Contacted by TF1, the company confirmed the incident without being able to say if the couple and/or child have been able to fly since then.