The show goes on Fiorello with VivaRai2. As every morning, the showman spares no one. Including the Democratic Party. Fiorello’s aim is to dem. In his own way, of course. It all starts with the characteristics that the new party should have, set out in the 4 motions submitted by candidates for the Secretariat in the past few days Elly Schlein and Stephen Bonaccini. So Fiorello first explains the news, taking a deep breath: “The new party must be ‘open… inclusive… close… co-secretary… dual… top-down’.” And again: “Call yourself Pam, words ad minchiam“.
But that’s not all as the star actor addresses the controversy that has engulfed him sanremo: the video message from Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “I sympathize with Rai’s friends – he admits – if you call them these days, they’re all busy, for this story from Zelensky. The video is seen by Coletta: All the heads of state, Macron, Scholz, will call Coletta, and Coletta will make a little call, a ‘coletta’ and he will tell you: ‘don’t worry, the video is under control’.
On the other hand, Fiorello knows the Ariston stage well. Last year the artist joined the conductor as well as artistic director, amadeus. That year Fiorello instead declined the invitation: “My adventure in Sanremo is over, dead and buried forever.” And again: “My adventure is over. Last year was a bit hard to come back here and finding the audience full made me very excited.”