The series premiered on the SBT program in August 1984 (Credit: Reproduction/SBT/Disclosure/Televisa)
The series “Chaves” follows the everyday life of an orphan boy who lives in a village with his friends Quico and Chiquinha. He constantly annoys the grownups Seu Madruga, Dona Florinda, Bruxa do 71 and Professor Girafales.
In Mexico, the original name of the program is “El Chavo del Ocho“. It was named after the channel it was originally shown on, Channel 8. Also, the protagonist lives at number 8 in the village and is portrayed as an eightyearold boy.
Roberto Gómez Bolaños demonstrated how adult children can play on the screen. The result was very well received by the audience, who didn’t care that the actors were much older than the characters they played.
This made everything even funnier, creating a simple but at the same time inexhaustible sense of humour. Episodes of the show can be watched multiple times and will still be fun.
This is thanks to the incredible creativity of Bolaños and the talented interpretations of actors such as Carlos Villagrán, Ramón Valdés and Édgar Vivar.