Turkish police arrest men who dig through rubble to steal

Turkish police arrest men who dig through rubble to steal them and punish them with belts

A police officer in Turkey was caught strapping down three men who were caught searching the rubble of shopping malls and supermarkets to steal items after last Monday’s powerful earthquake (6).

A video of the attacks on the trio was posted on Saturday (11/11) by the Noël news portal on social networks.

The officer who appears in the pictures violently whipping the boys has been described as a “barbarian” by numerous followers in the publication’s comments.

In the video, two of the detainees appear in their underwear and a third is shirtless. The cop wears the corporation’s uniform and smacks both hands to keep the leather belt in place.

According to the Turkish armed forces, 48 ​​people were arrested in the earthquake region for attempted robbery. Police said some were even armed.

The President of Turkey commented on the situation:

“People involved in robberies and kidnappings should know that the government’s firm hand will fall on their backs,” he said.

* Intern at R7, under the direction of Pablo Marques

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