Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin were found dead by his best friend, who checked her pulse before calling 911 from a surviving roommate’s cellphone eight hours later.
The unidentified friend had gone home to Moscow, Idaho, on the morning of November 13, hours after Chapin and Kernodle, both 20, Maddie Mogen, 21, and Kaylee Goncalves, 20, were killed in their sleep by suspected killer Bryan Kohberger were .
Sources told News Nation that Chapin’s best friend found the two bodies and took their pulses before yelling at roommate Dylan Mortensen, 21, and others to call 911 at around 11:58 a.m.
The call was made from Mortensen’s phone, but new details revealed it was the best friend who spoke to police.
Mortensen faced suspected quadruple killer Kohberger, 28, shortly after the murders when questions arose about why she hadn’t called 911 sooner.
Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin were found dead by his best friend, who checked their pulses before calling 911 on November 13
(LR) Dylan Mortensen, Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen (on Kaylee’s shoulders), Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle and Bethany Funke. All pictured except Mortensen and Funke were murdered
Mortensen allegedly believed the sounds of four of her roommates being brutally murdered were sounds of college parties at her home.
She reportedly called her friends and roommates in the early hours of November 13 to calm herself.
‘Calm down, you’re loud!’ She reportedly screamed at around 4 a.m. and said, “I’m trying to sleep!”
The college student then closed and locked her door, according to a New York Post report.
After hearing more loud noises that night, Mortensen opened her door again and saw the accused who had murdered Kohberger, but mistook him for a party-goer.
The alleged claims answer questions from Chapin’s sister-in-law, who questioned why Mortensen didn’t call the police after seeing the suspect leave the house.
His sister-in-law has since revealed that Mortensen, who was at the property with Bethany Funke at the time of the murders, called all the housemates after hearing “screaming and crying” coming from their rooms.
Many wonder why it took her so long to sound the alarm after hearing “crying” and facing the killer. Pictured (L-R) Dylan Mortensen, Xana Kernodle, Bethany Funke, Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogen
Dylan Mortensen (pictured), who survived the murders, did not call the police at the time of the murders. Instead, she claimed she believed the shouts from above were party-goers
Kohberger is said to have committed the heinous crimes sometime between 4 a.m. and 4:25 a.m. on November 13. Mortensen told police that she heard several scuffles throughout the night and opened her door where she saw a suspect
Chapin was murdered in the doorway of Kernodle’s room and Kernodle apparently tried to fight the killer by repeatedly grabbing suspect Kohberger’s knife
In a thread on Reddit, she wrote: “I allegedly called all the girls in the house after the crying and screaming stopped and no one answered – and she still hasn’t called the police.
“She must explain herself and her actions that night.”
When asked who called the police, she added: The caller to ‘911 was the friend who went in because D called him to come over because she was scared of what she heard that night.
“He went to Xana and Ethan’s room first and then called 911. The question is why D or B didn’t even call the police.”
Mortensen told police she heard several scuffles throughout the night and opened her door to see a suspect dressed all in black with a mask over his face and heard one of her roommates say, “Someone’s here.”
She also heard the suspect say, “It’s okay, I’m here to help you,” as he walked through the home and committed the atrocity.
Police confirmed that at 11.58am an 911 call was made from the phone of one of the surviving housemates asking for help to an unconscious person – although it has not been confirmed who spoke to police.
It has raised questions as to why Mortensen didn’t contact authorities sooner, with some arguing she may have been “frozen” in fear.
Chapin was murdered in the doorway of Kernodle’s room and Kernodle apparently tried to fight the killer by repeatedly grabbing suspect Kohberger’s knife.
She had deep cuts on her fingers. Chapin was apparently cut in the throat.