Retraining the workforce millions at random denounces the PLQ

Retraining the workforce: millions at random, denounces the PLQ

The government’s inability to communicate the results of its workforce reskilling programs has spooked the official opposition, who believe the millions spent will look a bit “like wind” without efficiency measures.

• Also read – Requalification program: graduates who cannot find a job

“The impression it gives us is that we are making various announcements to give the impression that we are acting, but without any concrete results,” said Madwa-Nika Cadet, spokeswoman for the official opposition on jobs and work.

Worrying, unacceptable, inappropriate: the Liberal MP from Bourassa-Sauvé has not minced his words to put the case revealed yesterday by Le Journal into perspective.

Keep in mind that many graduates of the Information and Communication Technologies Reskilling and Assistance Program (PRATIC) report not finding a job several months after graduation.

The government has invested nearly $250 million to train some 8,000 Quebecers since 2021 to quickly integrate job areas estimated to be in high demand.

Second case of this kind

Ms. Kadett is all the more plagued by the fact that this is the second case in less than half a year.

Last September, Le Journal questioned the ministry in charge of retraining programs – then reporting to Jean Boulet – about another initiative in this area: the Recovery Assistance through Education Enhancement Program (PARAF).

Data on effectiveness measurement were already missing.

Since yesterday’s publication of our article, several participants in the PRATIC program with degrees in graphic design have contacted Le Journal to confirm that they too are struggling to find a job.

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