From Milagro Flores to Barbara Bermudo Celebrities on the verge

From Milagro Flores to Bárbara Bermudo: Celebrities on the verge of implant death

These are some celebrities who almost lost their lives after having an aesthetic procedure.

These are some celebrities who almost lost their lives after having an aesthetic procedure.

A plastic surgeon injected collagen into Lorena Herrera’s lips 17 years ago; However, 12 years later, small balls began to sprout. The actress went through an ordeal to eradicate them.

Rocker Alejandra Guzmán has undergone multiple surgeries to extract the biopolymers from her body. The artist has revealed the suffering it caused her and how complicated her health has been since then.

Paola Duarte underwent treatment in 2008 because she wanted to have a good body, but years later she started burning and couldn’t sit up, so she went to the doctor and she had to operate on her.

A few days ago, the news was published that the leading actress, Silvia Pinal, had serious health problems due to her facial cosmetic treatment, which was more expensive than the 90,000 pesos she paid, since she also had plastic injections.

Honduran TV presenter Milgro Flores had serious health complications that forced her to be admitted to an emergency room following her cosmetic surgery.

Colombian presenter and model Jessica Cediel. Martín Carrillo was the person who injected plastic into the Bogota woman’s cock a few years ago. In 2016, she spoke about her experience, saying that because of this procedure, she had to undergo three surgeries to try and remove the largest amount of biopolymers she had in her body.

Lady Noriega. This famous woman wanted to enlarge her chin and in 2007 she went to a doctor from the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery to help her. She put on a filler that over the years hardened, became inflamed and moved, causing Lady to lose the symmetry in her face.

María Mónica Urbina: Although she was very careful about the treatments she received and did not put her health in anyone’s hands, she ended up in the hands of a bad professional who, instead of injecting hyaluronic acid in her chin and hips, put biopolymers .

“I only say when they’re young, when they’re 19 or 20 or 21 and they think they’re too skinny, when you’re like, ‘Oh my god, I don’t have enough fat on my butt ***’ and that causes them to get shot, don’t do it!” said rapper Cardi B.

Puerto Rican journalist Bárbara Bermudo, who for several years was the star host of the hit television show First Impact, took to social media to reveal her suffering from the breast implants she received 17 years ago, which left her harmed have caused their health to deteriorate.

2023/02/1614:21H. / Brayan Baquedano

miracle flowers

Silvia Pinal

Alejandra Guzman