The Russian comedy duo consists of Vladimir Kuznetsov And Alexey Stolyarovin art Wovan And Lexus, specializing in prank calls. The two pro-Putin artists tried to poke fun at former Chancellor Angela Merkel, trying to catch her in the act by pretending she was talking to the former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. The call took place on January 12 and some excerpts of the conversation were published on the Russian duo’s Telegram channel. A story that was also confirmed by Merkel’s staff: “The former chancellor had an interview with an interlocutor who claimed to be former (Ukrainian) President Petro Poroshenko, supported – according to the statement – by a German-Ukrainian translation from a Part of the Foreign Official Language Service’. The former chancellor later shared the “impressions” of the phone call with the Foreign Office. During the conversation, Merkel is said to have spoken to the wrong Poroshenko about Macron, Biden and Scholz, but without revealing anything new, as German media reported. Commenting on the Minsk agreements, Merkel said, according to comedians, that the ceasefire in Donbass “served from the outset to give Ukraine time to arm itself” and to “influence” the alliance between Western countries on the front line. Arms deliveries to Kyiv”.
It’s not the first time that the two Russian comedians have staged prank calls of this kind. Some time ago, Elton John announced on Instagram that he received a call from the Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, who was available – the musician explained – to meet him to talk about LGBTQ+ rights. Another call with a different tenor ended up in the newspapers: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually listened to the advice of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, including Canada’s exit from NATO. The British Secretary of Defense also fell into the “trap” of Vovan and Lexus Ben Wallace while in Poland. In the short film edited by the two comedians, the impersonator of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Smihal tries to “frame” Wallace by asking him about Kiev’s nuclear ambitions in the war in Ukraine.
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