A pig named Elvis Pigsley who lives in Alaska with his owner Angela MullenHerrera is very adventurous. For him there is no such thing as cold weather, let alone hot weather, regardless of the temperature, he will always be in trouble and driving Angela insane.
Not once or twice did the tutor have to rescue him from a mess, but several times. The handsome guy loves running around and making new friends, so Angela’s hair stands on end because she never knows where she’ll find him.
“He’s had all kinds of adventures,” MullenHerrera told The Dodo. “He is a great master of the fugue. I’ve had to lure him back with apple slices [em várias ocasiões].”
Elvis piggy. (Photo: Angela MullenHerrera)
But his latest adventure was riskier, and it wasn’t pieces of apple that would get him out of trouble. Elvis took advantage of the short snowstorm to escape the barn and of course the village became too small for his antics.
He wandered around the neighborhood for a long time until he came across a man who didn’t know him, that is, who knew nothing about his escape story.
So he called the police and reported that he had seen a pig running through the village.
Elvis loves to walk around the village. (Photo: Angela MullenHerrera)
Police soon identified who it was and went to Elvis to arrest him. Yes… I think this time the prank went wrong!
The pig came home in the back of the car. I don’t think Angela ever expected her pig to get this far. And that’s not all! Elvis seemed content with his art.
“He seems very impressed with himself,” MullenHerrera said. “I’m sure he enjoyed the experience.”
The pig is adventurous. (Photo: Angela MullenHerrera)
Angela’s husband picked up the little villain and according to the wife:
“He told me that everything went well and that the police were very nice and understanding.”
The pig came home in the police car. (Photo: POLICE DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE)
Pigs are cute, intelligent, and affectionate animals, but they are neither dogs nor cats; need a little more care.
These animals grow a lot and need a suitable place. Because if they don’t have an environment in which to vent their energies, they will get bored and create their own fun, like knocking over closets and destroying couches. With Elvis, it’s running away.
“Pigs are very curious animals and like an environment where they can explore, sniff and touch objects. Some dog toys are not suitable for pigs, as pigs can easily destroy and consume them, which poses a risk to their health. Other objects in your home may also be objects of their curiosity,” said Leiki Salumets, equine and farm animal care manager at the BC SPCA.
The pig looked proud of his achievement. (Photo: POLICE DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE)
Luckily, Angela has the support of the Alaska Potbelly Pig Rescue charity, which teaches the village how to take care of their pigs.
“You’ve been a huge help to the swine community here in Alaska and a great source of information,” Angela concluded.
Oh, oh, oh, Elvis, I hope you don’t try to run away anymore!
See also this video:
6 dogs stuck at animal daycare