“Carnival of the Almond Tree”, Mardi Gras is celebrated with a parade in the center AgrigentoNotizie

Agrigento News February 20, 2023

Last day of the Carnival, Mardi Gras, which this year falls on February 21st, with an event where adults and children take part in an open-air parade through the streets of central Agrigento. An opportunity to celebrate the end of Carnival 2023 in disguise, but above all to prepare for the arrival of the “Almond Blossom” festival that will start on the first weekend of March.

It is not for nothing that this date is called the “Carnival of the Almond Tree”. We meet at 9.30 in Piazza Marconi at the train station to attend the masked assembly and join the procession. Event promoted by Pro Loco, the “Compagnia del Nove” and the “Casa del musical”.

In particular, the students of the “Agrigento Centro”, “Rita Levi Montalcini”, “Quasimodo” and “Esseneto” schools, dressed in masks, will enliven a walk from Piazza Marconi to Piazza Cavou, where the welcoming ceremony will take place schools and presentations of school workshops will also be held held, enriched by the presence of the “Casa del musical” and the “Compagnia del Nove”, which will delight the public with performances celebrating spring and its arrival, or rather the theme that characterizes the whole event of the “flowery almond “. A thousand children are expected.