As soon as you arrive as soon as you go

As soon as you arrive, as soon as you go: Montreal’s first French language officer resigns

Montreal’s first-ever French language commissioner left her post three months ago and has still not been replaced.

Roseline Fréchette was appointed in October 2021, shortly after the City of Montreal created the post of Commissioner as part of the adoption of the French Language Promotion Action Plan.

Mayor Valérie Plante last week.

Photo agency QMI, Mario Beauregard

Mayor Valérie Plante last week.

Mayor Valérie Plante then said she wanted to show the importance and seriousness that her administration attaches to the French language.

Ms Fréchette, who was appointed for three years, will not even have completed half of her term of office.

We do not know the reasons for this hasty departure, but we do know that she returned to the Ministry of Immigration, Franciscans and Integration, where she worked for almost eight years before becoming the first French language officer in the metropolis .

action plan

During her tenure, Roseline Fréchette had to implement the 24 actions of the action plan to promote the French language.

His post has been vacant since December, but the posting will take place in the coming days, Dominique Ollivier, head of French at the Executive Committee, said via text message.

“This does not prevent the French Language Committee from continuing its work to support the city in the implementation of its plan to promote the French language,” emphasizes the elected representative of Projet Montréal.

Roseline Fréchette’s resignation prompted the president of the Mouvement Québec français to question whether the Plante government was taking the decline of French in Montreal seriously.

However, Maxime Laporte had welcomed the action plan announced in June 2021 after his collective had made requests in this direction.

“The years go by and still nothing comes of it. No idea what’s happening, no announcement,” he complains.

The Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society is also impatiently awaiting the implementation of the action plan.

President Marie-Anne Alepin claims that she never had the opportunity to meet Ms Fréchette, from whom she only heard good words.

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