Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

Argentine opposition condemned for preventing debates in Congress

Under the motto Congress can’t stop, neither can the right to retire, MPs for the Frente de Todos Gisela Marziotta and Paula Penacca called on citizens to meet at 6.30pm local time near Parliament’s seat in this capital.

Via the Twitter social network, Penacca pointed out that today more than 800,000 Argentines do not have access to this benefit, for which he considered it essential to move forward with the pension debt payment plan.

Said initiative has half approval in the Senate but has not yet been approved by the House of Commons as JxC refused to provide the necessary quorum to analyze this and other projects.

Deputies accused JxC of crippling the functioning of Congress and approving alternatives for people of retirement age but not enough working years.

For the first time in 17 years, there is no such regulation in Argentina and the opposition is denying society this fundamental right, said a statement by Marziotta and Penacca.

Four decades after the return of democracy, this political pettiness can no longer be accepted in an election year. The Congress must function to discuss ideas, projects and, above all, push initiatives that guarantee a more dignified life, the text adds.

The proposed plan provides that those who have not made the contributions required to access the pension can complete the remaining periods until December 2008 by paying in installments.

In addition, women aged 50-59 and men aged 55-64 who do not meet the deadlines can step ahead and start paying.
