Hondurans sentenced to 20 years in prison in US

Hondurans sentenced to 20 years in prison in US

Jadiel Leonardo Ríos Pinot was accused by three minors of a home where they put him in Georgia, Atlanta

Jadiel Leonardo Ríos Pinot is the Honduran sentenced to 20 years in prison in Georgia, Atlanta, USA.

According to the Mundonow portal, Jadiel Leonardo Ríos Pinot betrayed the trust placed in him by a family in Georgia, Atlanta, who met him at a church.

According to the portal, Jadiel Ríos came to a church asking for help with her drinking problem and a family provided her with housing.

Jadiel Ríos was pulled over by Gwinnett County Police for driving under the influence of alcohol without a license and was facing deportation.

One day he came to a church and told about his problems, and a family with three underage daughters gave him a home.

“They decided to welcome him into their home without charging him a single cent as they had enough space to give him a room,” Mundonow explained.

Jadiel reportedly came to gain the trust of two of the girls, who even called him “uncle.”

Mundonow said that one day Jadiel wanted to grope the oldest of the three girls in the house and called her 911.

After the minor’s complaint, the other two little girls told their parents that the Honduran groped them and forced them to do the same to him.

The event moved church members and provoked collective resentment.

Jadiel was arrested on January 3, 20232 and charged with 10 counts of sex crimes against a minor.

Police found suggestive messages he had sent to the minors on his cell phone.

After being found guilty of the charges against him, the judge in charge sentenced him to 20 years in prison.

2023/02/2209:58H. / Luis Fernando Licona

Hondurans in the world



