1651327499 Russia accuses NATO of preventing a political solution to the

Russia accuses NATO of preventing a political solution to the war situation in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

MOSCOW, April 30 – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries are doing everything possible to prevent a political solution to the current conflict between his country and Ukraine.

Lavrov pointed out that NATO is arming Ukraine under the guise of dealing with the Russian military operation, when in reality the United States and the European Union are completely indifferent to Ukraine’s fate as an independent international actor.

First of all, they should come to their senses and stop supplying arms and ammunition to Kyiv. The Ukrainian people do not need anti-aircraft or anti-tank missiles, but the solution of urgent humanitarian problems, stressed Lavrov, quoted by Telesur and the Chinese agency Xinhua.

Delegates from about 40 countries met in Germany last Tuesday to coordinate an expedited shipment of military equipment claimed by Ukraine. The Russian foreign minister called on the West to stop covering Ukraine, otherwise Washington and Brussels would have to take responsibility for war crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists and mercenaries.

Faced with this situation, Lavrov called on the Ukrainian authorities to stop their provocations, including those carried out in the media sphere. Ukrainian units, using civilians as human shields, conduct barbaric shelling of cities, as they did in Donetsk and Kramatorsk. They mock the Russian military imprisoned for animal cruelty and publish their atrocities on the Internet, the Russian minister recalled.

Regarding the dialogues, the diplomat explained that the delegations of Russia and Ukraine conduct negotiations daily via videoconference. According to Lavrov, neutral, non-nuclear status, demilitarization of Ukraine and security guarantees should be among the points of a virtual final agreement.

Lavrov stressed that the agenda of the dialogue also includes the issues of denazification of Ukrainian territory, lifting of sanctions and the status of the Russian language.