BBB 23: Guimê and Fred define that they will make their sister VIP through strategy Splash

Collaboration for Splash, in São Paulo

2/23/2023 7:08 amUpdated on 2/23/2023 7:08 am

During the BBB 23 (Globo) Leader Party, MC Guimê and Fred talked about who they would take to the VIP if they won the lead. Both agreed that they would use one of the sisters from the Fourth Desert as a strategy.

MC guide: “Regardless of preferences, putting Amandinha in the VIP section is smart.”

fred: “It’s my turn.”

MC guide: “I said I would put Lari, Bruna and Cara de Sapato out of gratitude, you and Facinho [Ricardo] for the game and I would try for them.”

fred: “It’s stupid not to say it [a Amanda no VIP].”

MC guide: “Of course I’ll love being in the VIP, but for the game’s strategy, we’re together.”

fred: “Yes, exactly. Honestly, out of my five [que podem ser escolhidos para o VIP pelo Líder] she’s not, but maybe for the game she needs to be. It’s shit.”

Yesterday MC Guimê chatted with Amanda in front of the house. In the conversation, the doctor returned to talk about her ex on BBB 23.

POLL UOL BBB 23: “After dos crias” lost its grace after Tadeus scolding?