Men and women Fernando Picariello I thought that Veronica quot

Men and women, Fernando Picariello: “I thought that Veronica …"

Among the former suitors of the current Tronista of men and women Veronica Rimondi There are also Fernando: After a promising start, Veronica decided to eliminate the suitor as she defined him as a set and felt more interested in gaining visibility than finding love.

Interview with MondoTv24, Fernando Discussing his experience in the program, he said that he had skated as a Tronista in the past:

The desire to go to men and women begins from afar. I moved to Milan 4 or 5 years ago to study. I auditioned then, do I have to be honest? I proposed myself as Tronista because in life I’m a bit more Tronista and therefore I saw myself better. The girl I auditioned with told me that being a suitor is complicated. In fact, I realized that courtship is a bit complicated there. I like a challenge, but it’s complicated in the realm of love. I was starting to feel a little out of place, then we’re made differently and I’d rather choose than be chosen, let’s put it that way. When I auditioned as Tronista back then, they didn’t call me every now and then.

Back then I did it for fun, I was different and I did it to get on TV. Today I’ve matured and am pretty confident in who I am and what I want. When I went to Men and Women, I did it in a carefree way inside of me. I also liked getting involved because it’s an experience you can’t try unless you go there.

Fernando he then spoke of Veronica and from the first effect had:

It was a meeting in the dark when they called me, we were in the dressing rooms watching the presentation Veronica. At first glance I didn’t have much physical transport for it Veronica, she is a beautiful girl but now that I am 32 I need to be spiritually attracted. At first glance I wasn’t surprised but I didn’t care, I looked at how she presented that she had temperament, she was smart, confident and so I decided to stay to dig a little deeper. You have to know people to understand if they are what they think they are or not.

The two then undertook something outward together, but a gesture by the suitor while they were making pancakes in an exit destabilized the Tronista and curbed their knowledge:

I was making pancakes, while kneading I smelled good and wanted to taste them. When she then wanted to enter, I said “I’ll do it with my finger”, I thought it was a beautiful thing, but she didn’t see it that way. I was sorry because at first he laughed about it and then I said okay, that’s not a problem. Then I thought I understood her Veronica so I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. Then what he said to me in the episode, I stayed there… if you said you understood things right away, why didn’t you tell me right away? She portrayed it as a lack of respect and in my opinion she exaggerated. Disrespect are others.

Another factor that blocked knowledge

In the first episode she spoke to me about the topic of followers on social media, it wasn’t many but it must have felt like it to her. Anyway, I told her the truth and told her it was old. In fact, upon closer inspection, it’s clear that I’d taken very few photos for a number of years, so it was clear I’d given up on the idea. I wasn’t lucky enough Veronica, I come from a more humble family so I’ve always worked hard: as soon as I see a crack I try to make money and the same thing happened with Instagram. Some friends and I tried to get some followers to work together. But today I gave up the idea completely.

She looked a little lazy about this, maybe rightly so, but I explained the situation to her, but I probably didn’t convince her. One of his favorite admirers wrote in the Instagram bio at the time that he was at a fashion agency, his photos were all posing, but he was not rated for that. I saw a small inconsistency.

However, as for the Tronista’s interest in Matteo and Federico, Fernando commented as follows:

I still don’t understand what Veronica wants. You can see that she’s very attracted to Matteo, but I don’t know why she didn’t ask him about all those weird things he did in the beginning… then you have to understand. She also likes Federico, but also the gesture she made to go out could have conditioned her a bit and turned on Matteo, even if I don’t know how much Matteo can be. The gesture of the roses outside? I didn’t like that, he said he wanted to go his own way without thinking about others, but then he behaved differently with the facts. I wouldn’t have done it because I’m trying to be respectful and if I had been in Federico I would have been very upset.

And on the accusation of being built:

The question about followers, about typesetting, about pointing the finger made her define me as a fake. Then it’s the first time in 32 years that they call me wrong, I’ve always bet on the truth my whole life and that’s why I was a little hurt. I found her a bit more mature Veronica and I thought it might give our acquaintance a chance, then maybe it didn’t work out… and when he told me he was going to eliminate me, I started to see things a little differently.

It was easy for her to tell me I’m ready, but committed doesn’t mean wrong. I didn’t feel good on the outside either, so I was holding back, but that also happens to me in life: I’m not one to throw myself over my head, I’m sociable and cheerful, but I’m a little careful with my things .. reserved, I don’t tell them at all. When I put myself in a new context, I want to understand where I am. I’m sorry you didn’t want to know more about who you are Fernando.

The former lady of the throne passed alexandra She stated that upon exiting the program, she stated that she had been contacted by several former applicants to the program, including Fernando:

As soon as I saw the interview, I wrote to him immediately alexandra and she apologized. I had recently left the show, she had followed me on Instagram and I returned it. He told me what he thought of Veronica and we chatted about this and that, but as friends. Instead, as she said, she seemed to have contacted her about who knows what… I wanted to clear this up.

tronista in the future:

I would be hypocritical if I said no, I would accept it because while I was having this experience I would also like to accept that. I don’t want to do it for visibility like I would have done before, but today I would do it light-heartedly and easily. Then I’m in a phase of my life where I want to get to know someone. If they want to stay here, you don’t have to send me back.