Demonstration of migrants at the US Mexico border Periódico 26

Details Written by PL Published: Apr 30, 2022 Views: 15

Mexico City.- Migrants demonstrated today against the imposition of Title 42 by the United States government, which bans their entry into the country and also calls on the Mexican government to prevent passage through the common border.

Central Americans burned images of former US President Donald Trump, author of Title 42, which they use to reject migrants protected by sanitation measures, and Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard at the Playas de Tijuana border wall.

José María García Lara, director of the Movimiento Juventud 2000 shelter, pointed out that this rule is discriminatory as it applies to Central Americans and not Europeans.

They expressed regret that Ebrard has accepted an agreement to send elements of the National Guard to the country’s southern border to prevent entry by Central Americans.

They pointed out that federal, state and local governments lack reintegration programs for people deported from the United States because many of them become drugged and destitute, so they are calling for comprehensive care for Mexicans who are being returned. (pl)