quotTotal warquot what does Putin mean by the latest threat

"Total war": what does Putin mean by the latest threat against Kyiv

Russian President Vladimir Putin may soon abandon the term “special operation” and declare war on Ukraine. The leak, published by the British media and citing Russian and Western officials, comes from the premise that Russian troops are in trouble in the difficult Ukrainian theater of war.

“Outrage” emerges from Moscow’s military circles at the failure during the invasion, a special operation that was supposed to last a few weeks and has worsened in a very harsh trench warfare that ground forces fight every day over a few kilometers of land, village by village in the Donbass.

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Putin’s move would be anything but a propaganda stunt, although the announcement could come on May 9 during the annual Victory Day Parade. Declaring war in Kyiv would allow the Kremlin to activate martial law, solicit military aid from allies, and enforce mass popular mobilization. Just yesterday, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, speaking to the LBC channel, said that Putin on 9 masses the Russian people “.

Recall that on February 24, when Putin announced the invasion, Putin spoke of Ukraine as a country that was the child of a historical error: in Moscow, the existence of a sovereign Ukrainian state is not recognized and the attempt is clear annexing a good part of it to reunite the Donbass up to Transnistria: it is no coincidence that the richest areas, including in raw materials.

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