Sleep Problems How to Fall Asleep Fast Le Journal

Sleep Problems: How to Fall Asleep Fast

More and more people suffer from insomnia. To remedy this, Pr Pierre Philip, a sleep specialist who has conducted several clinical studies, offers possible solutions to overcome sleep-related problems. A great way to live healthy and become more productive.

Have you ever been very tired at bedtime but couldn’t sleep? When this happens, not only is it frustrating, but it creates a form of anxiety that only adds to the insomnia problem.

Various problems can be linked to difficulty falling asleep. Age, quality of life, everyday stress, diet and various imbalances, among others.

In his book, Professor Pierre Philip answers a hundred questions on the subject.

Professor Pierre Philip

Photo provided by Les Editions Albin Michel

The author, who has devoted his last 30 years to researching sleep medicine, drowsiness and driver exhaustion and counseling thousands of patients on the subject, has been adamant from the start: It’s imperative to get seven hours of sleep a night, seven days a week . It is just as important as eating at least five fruits or vegetables a day to improve quality of life. This must apply to both weekdays and weekends.

Not getting enough sleep exposes you to a variety of risks, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

In addition, lack of sleep stimulates the appetite, which inevitably leads to obesity and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

duration, regularity and quality

Additionally, the three pillars related to sleep are duration, regularity, and quality.

Regularity is just as important as duration, and it’s up to you to consider the best times to get up and go to bed based on your internal clock.

Forcing yourself to get up early because of your work schedule contradicts a good night’s sleep. The same goes for those who don’t go to bed even when they’re tired and desperate for something to do.

The third pillar on which sleep is based concerns its quality. Several factors affect sleep quality, including cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine. Light and screens are also elements that disrupt sleep.

Physical activity during the day is beneficial for a good night’s sleep. In the evening we prefer shorter exercise units three hours before bedtime.

Each their own sleep

You should know that needs vary from person to person. However, the duration varies depending on age. A child sleeps more than an adult.

Falling asleep should also be based on your well-being. So it would be wrong to say that the day belongs to those who get up early.

The author states in his book that 25% of people are in the morning and 25% in the evening and the others are in between. So if you’re not sleepy at night, you must insist that you work better at night than you do in the morning, and nothing can change that. All you have to do is respect your needs and don’t force yourself to follow an imposed rhythm.

One of the golden rules is to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock, a sign that we have respected our body clock and our needs.

Various questions

In addition to the basic questions about sleep, a few questions remain. For example, insomnia is not necessarily linked to depression. On the other hand, good quality sleep can affect an individual’s mood, the author believes.

When asked whether sleeping pills, belonging to the benzodiazepine family, promote sleep, the answer is yes when taken for a short period of time, as they are addictive. Because they reduce anxiety, they may be needed during a difficult short-term period.

Among the hundreds of topics covered in this book stands out the use of plants in the form of herbal teas to promote sleep. Chamomile, verbena, and lavender can help you fall asleep after a busy day.

  • Pierre Philip is also the author of the book, anti-fatigue.
  • He has published numerous articles in various international scientific journals on the subject of sleep.