Little Bunnies and Little Thugs The Perverse Effect of Social

Little Bunnies and Little Thugs: The Perverse Effect of Social Networking

Not a day goes by that we don’t have to endure the whining in awake language from a fringe of our young people.

Everything is “traumatic”, “violent”, “aggressive”. Nothing offends their “sensitivities” and calls “their sanity” into question.

For what

In our country, these Laval University medical students reached the pinnacle of pathetic whining, invoking their fragile psychological equilibrium at the prospect of being forced to treat people in the regions during their internship.

A compulsion, a joke from a teacher, a harsh comment while correcting a paper, a vigorous objection during a discussion, everything becomes an excuse for whining, curling up in a corner, asking for customization.

From year to year the number of students who get extra time for their exams increases.

When they’re on the job, nowhere on their diploma does it say they’ve enjoyed an immense advantage over their peers throughout their studies.

However, when protected by anonymity, these little bunnies who are so concerned about themselves can care less about others.

“Psychopathically, physically and mentally ill [sic], he must return to his country, filthy race. »

“Incompetent, asshole. »

“Bro what the heck my dog ​​explains better. »

Here are some anonymous comments made by students to UQAR faculty.

Surely there is a way to express your dissatisfaction in another way, right?

Renowned New York University psychologist Jonathan Haidt has long studied Generation Z, who were born between 1997 and 2012.

We’ve never seen a generation so “depressed, anxious and fragile,” he said in The Wall Street Journal (December 30, 2022).

Two main causes, he says: social media and a culture that encourages victimization.

In 2013 precisely, he explains, depression rates began to skyrocket, particularly among teenage girls in North America.

What is happening at this point to explain this sudden increase?

In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram, which became a mass phenomenon.

It was the “beginning of the selfie era”, the “likes”, the comments “You are fat and ugly”.

Young people who were previously overprotected, raised in cotton wool, unhardened by life, with no defenses to face real wickedness, are suddenly exposed to it.

Many crack. Many take refuge in conformism: think like everyone else, dress like everyone else, do like everyone else, absolutely “fit”.


We used to learn socializing by playing hockey in the alley and spending the day at the mall.

Now they are alone in their room, watching what the world thinks of them on their phones.

When they go out, they are convinced that campus and society are full of bad guys.

And the whole social system flatters them in terms of their hair. Talk to the bosses who need to manage these new hires.

There is what we see.

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