The Council of Muslims supports

The Council of Muslims supports extremism

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCMC) is an increasingly influential Islamist organization. For example, Amira Elghawaby, the controversial anti-Islamophobia commissioner who took office this week, worked for the CNMC for five years.

Stephen Brown, its President, likened Bill 21 to anti-Black racism. The organization challenges this legislation with grants from Anglo-Canadian cities. According to a lawsuit against Toronto supported by the Justice for Quebec organization, which I chair, it’s illegal.

Meanwhile, Brown was speaking at a conference in Toronto last December sponsored in part by the CNMC. Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP, was also there. The presence of extremist speakers speaks volumes about CNMC’s values.

Terrorist Conspiracy

There is Imam Siraj Wahhaj. In the past he compared homosexuality to a disease and attacked the fact that moderate Muslims wanted to found a gay mosque in Toronto (which has now happened). This had to be denied, even if the law permitted it. “We will not let them build this mosque […] We will fight them, these homosexuals must block access to their mosque”.

Wahhaj also rose to fame after the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. The US government has named him as one of the possible “co-conspirators” in that attack, which the victim (who has not been charged) denies.

Adam al-Kawthari is another example. He forbids cutting off the hand in case of theft. However, I reassure you, he then defended himself by saying that this should only apply in Islamic countries, as if that made the practice any less barbaric!

In a book published a few years ago, he also explains that a man can hit his wife, but not hard, I assure you, and only if certain conditions are met! Which? If “she commits physical or verbal abuse or breaks the rules of Islam”.

Al Qaeda

What else can we say about Ustadh Yahya Rhodes? In 2004, this American convert to Islam was interviewed by Australian television network ABC during a religious education class in Yemen. He refused to condemn al-Qaeda on the pretext that he was not sufficiently informed on the issue. Three years earlier, this terrorist group had nevertheless claimed responsibility for the killing of nearly 3,000 of Mr. Rhodus’ fellow citizens during the September 11 attacks.

Let’s also mention Mufti Hussain Kamani of the Qalam Institute. This organization has published a manual advising Muslims in particular to be clean and pure in order not to “look like Jews”. Kamani further said that in the Islamic religion, people who commit adultery or have sex outside of marriage should be stoned to death.

It should be noted that Ottawa is subsidizing the CNMC for a total of $635,423 for the period 2018-2024. A portion of these funds will be used to promote multiculturalism, fight racism, fight “Islamophobia”… and hate! Along with all of this, federal authorities will challenge Bill 21 in the Supreme Court.

This is Canada. On the one hand, we fund Quebec bashing, anti-Semitism, misogyny and homophobia. On the other hand, in Quebec, secularism is being attacked in court.

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