Putin and the Two Russian Revolutions

Putin and the Two Russian Revolutions

The journalist Ana Alonso quotes Carmen Claudia in The Independent: “The war in Ukraine It will be Putin’s Vietnam.” Carmen, daughter of Fernando Claudín, exiled in Mexico and Moscow, and leader of the Spanish Communist Party. He was expelled along with the PCE Jorg Semprun and in recent years he joined the PSOE. When he died he was President of the Pablo Iglesias Foundation. Carmen grew up in the USSR and later spent her youth in Paris. He inherited his father’s analytical skills and shows them in a think tank dedicated to international affairs that has existed in Barcelona for half a century (CIDOB).

SIt was exactly a year after Russia invaded Ukraine. The invasion got off to an incredible start: they blamed Volodomir Zelenskyy to be a nazi. They forgot that he was Jewish and had lost relatives in various pogroms. And they overlooked the nature of Ukraine itself: one quarter Russian and three quarters European. Zelensky himself identified with contemporary European values: democracy, freedoms, parliamentarism, respect for human rights, and honesty and transparency in public administration. Remember he was a comedian who had risen to power and committed to the principles of Europe.

On Monday, February 20, 2023, he was Joe Biden in Kyiv to ratify all the pledges made by Vice President Kamala Harris in Munich, in particular that the US would accompany Ukraine for as long as that country needed. As if it were the Gila War (“Is the enemy here?”), they had announced to Putin that Biden would be in Kiev lest the Russian think of bombing the capital and thereby endangering the Americans’ heads, so understood, would have a spectacular response, and it would also be known how far Putin wanted to go.

Apparently he didn’t want to go too far. It is played with the chain, but not with the American monkey. It’s very dangerous. The Russians had seen them reach Europe twice, and both times triumphantly. A third time, during the Civil War, immediately after the 1917 Russian Revolution, when “Reds” and “Whites” faced each other, Trotsky, the architect of the “Red” victory, said in his memoirs that, fortunately, Americans didn’t want that the “white” army wins. It would have been very uphill to defeat them.

Wladimir Putin You know because you’ve studied him in the history books that the KGB must have supplied you with, this general Sergei Khavalov, head of the St. Petersburg Military District, was unable to enforce the control desired by the Tsar. And Nicholas II, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, ordered General Ivanov to go to the loyal troops and take soldiers from the front lines to establish laws in a nation that disobeyed him. However, the commander-in-chief of the tsarist forces, General Alexeev, gave the counter-order: he asked General Ivanov not to leave his seat until the Duma ordered him to do so. Between the Tsar and the Duma, General Ivanov chose the Duma, and the Tsar shuddered. His worst fears had come true.

Putin knows this by heart. As you also know, “The Ten Days That Shocked the World” was not the children’s story of the Bolshevik Revolution written by john reed, Rather, the fabulous ten days were exactly in the third week of February 1917, 106 years ago today. For in Russia, although there was the Bolshevik October Revolution, but a few months before the truly democratic February Revolution of 1917, and all the protests against Nicholas II, Tsar of All Russia, materialized until March 2, when he resigned after trying unsuccessfully to cede the throne to his brother Mikhail Romanov, Grand Duke, the second in a row. He was later murdered.

My granddaughter, Paula Ramosin his capacity as a journalist for Vice News, has reported on a defection reminiscent of that which brought about the end of the centuries-old Romanov presence in Germany Russia. The young people who desert do so, if they have the means, to the US, now Putin’s main enemy. They arrive in McAllen, Texas after crossing the border into Mexico and apply for asylum. They just don’t want to get involved in an imperial war declared by Putin to rebuild the map of the USSR. The same as the tsar during the First World War (1914-1918). For the young peasants, poor and illiterate, this was not their war. That’s why they dethroned the Tsar. Maybe that’s why they would dethrone the new tsar today: Vladimir Putin.

Lenin left Switzerland on a train that arrived in Russia along with twenty-nine of his closest Bolsheviks. They were chartered by the German High Command in an armored train to the Finnish railway station. Rarely do intelligence operations go so well. Enough comrades were waiting there to wreck the real Russian February-March revolution led by Alexandr Kerensky. It was Kerensky’s moment. He was considered an excellent orator. Perhaps the best in the Duma. The German high command gave Lenin a dossier on the character. Lenin was in exile for 17 years. I didn’t know him, but I knew about his activities. His goal was to destroy it. He received money from the German secret service to tear into pieces. With this money they founded the game.

Today he gets up again Alexander Kerensky. When he died in New York in 1970 at the age of 89, his last words are said to have been: “Russia is more powerful than Lenin and Stalin combined. Survive until”. It’s February Revolution time once again.