Putin silences Wagner boss Prigozhin who was banned by Russian

Putin silences Wagner boss Prigozhin who was ‘banned’ by Russian state media according to critics Il Riformista

From the “strongman” of the Russian conflict in Ukraine, from the war front from which he claimed the successes of his mercenaries that became crucial to the fate of the “military special operation” launched by Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022, to dangerous oligarch obscured in the media Condition.

It is the strange “descent into hell”. Yevgeny Prigozinthe former “Kremlin chef”, turned into a wealthy entrepreneur, and now the head of the company Mercenary Wagnerwhich was involved in the conflict in Ukraine but previously operated in other “dirty” war scenarios.

The leader of the mercenary company has virtually disappeared from official Russian media, a decision according to the independent news site amplification it is the result of a real “censorship” operation against him.

Citing an inside source, Verstka says how many State news agencies were ordered not to quote Prighozin’s sentences again when they deal with “non-neutral topics”. In return, the The Ministry of Defense had prepared a media campaign against himif it was necessary.

His statements in the past few weeks have been too controversial, and the fear that the escalation of allegations against the state apparatuses, which are closest to Vladimir Putin himself, could lead to a kind of “election campaign“, the first building blocks to build a possible candidacy for the leadership of the Kremlin with a view to the presidential elections in 2024.

Prighozin continues to speak daily on his social networks, but his words have disappeared from Russian state media, particularly the news agency directly controlled by the Kremlin.

Above all, the devastating and serious allegations are to blame military leaders of the countryby the Russian General Staff headed by Valery Gerasimov to his favorite target, the Secretary of Defense Sergei Shoigu.

Just in the past few days, Prigozhin had called on the Russians via his Telegram account to put pressure on the army to supply its fighters with ammunition.

“If every Russian at his level, without calling anyone to protest, would just say, ‘Give Wagner the ammunition,'” said the head of the private militia, who admitted the siege was over Bachmut costs his mercenary group “hundreds of deaths a day”, although the official number of Russian casualties in the conflict after five months is just under 6,000 men.

According to Prigozhin, “even deliveries of shovels for digging trenches were stopped”, in which for the number one private militia “a Attempt to destroy Wagner, which can be equated with betrayal of the fatherland“.

As mentioned, the favorite target of militia chief Wagner remains the minister Shoigu. Minister whom Prigozhin specifically accused “work for the enemy“. “Those who are preventing us from winning this war are working directly for the enemy. They help the enemy to break the backbone of Russia. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner on golden plates and Send your daughters, nieces and friends to Dubai for relaxationwithout hesitation, if a Russian soldier dies at the front, I ask you to give us ammunition,” Prigozhin thundered, mentioning Shoigu’s daughter’s vacation in Dubai.