Actor Danilo Carrera gets run over

Actor Danilo Carrera gets run over

The skills he learned in acting literally saved the life of actor Danilo Carrera who was run over very close to his home while he was out jogging and a taxi driver ran him over, didn’t see him and hit him, he flew about six Meter.

“I’m fine, I ran down the street, I’ve lived in Mexico for seven years, there’s a kindergarten there, the children greet me there in the morning, the ladies greet me, I run there because it’s very safe; a taxi driver didn’t stop, he handed it to him, he didn’t see me because of the sun’s reflection, he was in front of him and he hit me”.

The protagonist of the soap opera “El amor invincible” clarified that if he didn’t do the dangerous scenes of the projects he worked on, he wouldn’t tell it; He stated that when he’s run over or thrown off a balcony in the fiction he takes the shots, he doesn’t like having doubles.

“Thanks to the race, thanks to the skills that performance gives you, I was able to jump, I received the punch, I hit the windshield, the windshield broke and I flew six meters, the truth is I’m good and I count it miracles again”.

Will Danilo Carrera sue the taxi driver?

The actor does not plan to file a lawsuit against the taxi driver, he said that when the police arrived at the scene of the accident on Tuesday, they only took photos of him.

His right foot is very swollen, his back is definitely injured, his right arm scraped, he also had a deep cut where the skin and muscles were perforated so they had to sew it up, but for what happened it’s something min him.

Still, he won’t stop working to rest, he said, something bigger has to happen because his biggest motivation for this job isn’t passion for art, but love for his family.

“At the end of the day, they are my driving force and the reason why I work every day so that they lack nothing,” said Danilo, adding that the driver who hit him behaved very well, worried showed and apologized.

“I understand it happened because there’s a reflection, eight in the morning, the sun was shining straight up and he didn’t see me. I’m thankful it happened to me and not to one of the kids who greet me every morning or some of the ladies who walk around because they won’t say. I’m young, strong and I was able to react well.”

Carrera hosted the presentation of the new telenovela “Eternamente amándonos” by executive producer Silvia Cano, which gave him his first leading role, where he was accompanied by Adriana Louvier, with whom he made the melodrama “Sin trace de ti”.

For this reason he did not want to miss this event within Televisa San Ángel, although his body was sore and he looked good during the gala but ended up stuck on crutches.

“Even if they ran me over yesterday, today my whole body hurts because it hurts, I’m shaking, I wanted to be here, I didn’t want to miss it for the world, Silvia gave me the opportunity when I was just in Arrived in Mexico to a little boy nobody knew who was 25 years old”.