New appearance of Kim Jonguns daughter sparks speculation

New appearance of Kim Jongun’s daughter sparks speculation

1 of 2 Kim Jongun and his daughter at a new roadbuilding ceremony — Photo: KCNA via Portal Kim Jongun and his daughter at a new roadbuilding ceremony — Photo: KCNA via Portal

North Korean leader Kim Jongun reappeared publicly with his daughter in a photo session released Sunday (February 26) by North Korean state media to mark the opening of a new road in Pyongyang.

Kim attended a ceremony in the Sopho district of the North Korean capital on Saturday, along with his daughter, whose age and name have not been released (although her name is believed to be Kim Juae), to inaugurate a construction project of about 4,000 apartments in the city northern part of the city, according to the North Korean state agency KCNA.

  • KNOWLEDGE: What is known about Kim Jongun’s daughter?

The footage shows the North Korean leader applauding with his daughter and several members of his government. The dissemination of images is a new example of Kim Juae gaining public visibility by attending important events of the regime.

Growing presence at important events

The increasing presence of Kim’s daughter at important occasions such as the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North Korean army has sparked speculation about the intention of exposing the girl.

The young woman first appeared in state media on November 19 last year when she accompanied her father to witness the testing of an ICBM.

One of the last times, just over a week ago, she was seen in the stands of a stadium next to her father during a sporting event to mark a national holiday. This was the first time the girl was publicly photographed at an event without military ties.

2 of 2 North Korean leader Kim Jongun watches a soccer match with his daughter Kim Juae in Pyongyang, North Korea February 17, 2023 — Photo: KCNA via Portal North Korean leader Kim Jongun watches a soccer match with his Daughter Kim Juae in Pyongyang, North Korea, on February 17, 2023 — Photo: KCNA via Portal

‘Beloved Daughter’

She is often referred to as Kim’s “beloved daughter” and “respected child” by state media. South Korean intelligence officials believe she is the daughter identified as Juae by former American basketball player Dennis Rodman, who spent time with Kim’s family in 2013.

North Korean media rarely publish information about close relatives of the Kim dynasty, which has ruled the country with an iron fist since the 1940s, and until recently the girl was no exception, as propaganda had never before acknowledged her identity.

Her presence in the regime’s propaganda has sparked all sorts of speculation that Kim Jongun is considering appointing her as his successor, although most experts believe it is too soon to say anything and that the regime has lost the leader maybe just like a family man wants to represent.

South Korean media speculate that Kim Jongun also has a son who is older than Kim Juae and a third child, likely a daughter. But only Kim Juae has been officially confirmed as Kim’s daughter.