Iranian general shows desire to kill Trump

Iranian general shows desire to ‘kill’ Trump

Gen. Amirali Hajizadeh, who commands the Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force Iran’s ideological army said the country had expectations of “being able to kill” former US President Donald Trump. It’s revenge for the death of General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a US operation in 2020.

“We hope to kill Trump, Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State, and Kenneth McKenzie, former director of US Army Central Command in the Middle East, as well as the military commanders who gave the order for Soleimani’s assassination.” , Hajizadeh said on Friday the 24th. “We can already hit American ships with missiles at a distance of two thousand kilometers.”

In January this year, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi also vowed to “avenge” Soleimani’s death. The Islamic Republic’s influence in the war zone worries the West, which accuses the country of increasing the range of its missiles to destabilize the Middle East and Israel, an enemy of Iran.

On Saturday the 25th, the country’s state television broadcast footage of the launch of a “new Paveh cruise missile with a range of 1,000 miles.”

Soleimani had been commander of the Quds Force, the international wing of the Revolutionary Guards, since 1990. The dead general was also one of Iran’s most prominent military leaders.

At the time, Trump said he ordered the operation in response to a spate of attacks on Americans in Iraq. Five days later, Iran fired multiple missiles at a US airbase in Iraq.