Maurizio Costanzo, the moving memory of Pier Silvio Berlusconi: "He was a friend first"

“Maurizio was human first of all and in my case
especially a friend“. So in “Ciao Maurizio”, the special dedicated to Maurizio Costanzo from “Verissimo”,
Pier Silvio Berlusconi commemorates the great journalist recently deceased. “I was
deeply connected to himalso for professional reasons: Maurizio
He gave a lot to Mediaset. All of us at Mediaset are grateful to him for the work he has done. Mauritius
He innovated and changed the history of television“.

“Impossible to choose the best memory. We have
had many experiences together” continues the CEO of Mediaset about his
personal relationship with Constantius. “It comes to my mind to go back to when I was very young and started learning to watch TV. Courses were organized for which Maurizio was the coordinator. These courses gave me a lot, but I got the biggest lessons during the breaks when we went to eat:
his comments were pearls of wisdom that will stay with me forever.”

Berlusconi is finally taking the opportunity to offer his own again
condolences to the family of the talk show king: ”
I send them a big hug. Grief is for the loss of a true friend.
There is a desire to be close to Maria and her family by Maurizio, to whom I am so attached”.