Narcos the shocking transfer of two thousand prisoners naked barefoot

Narcos, the shocking transfer of two thousand prisoners: naked, barefoot and in handcuffs

They look like pictures from a TV series but are real, taken in El Salvador, Central America, during the transfer of 2,000 dangerous drug traffickers to a new maximum-security prison that can hold 40,000 inmates.

The operation follows El Salvador’s government’s efforts against drug trafficking gangs, whose growing violence has led to the declaration of a state of emergency overriding some constitutional rights following a dramatic spike in killings attributed to violent gangs.

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Shocking images

Dubbed the “Terror Relegation Center,” the prison, which is the size of 33 soccer stadiums and believed to be the largest in Central America, has a security facility with 19 watchtowers, with 15,000-volt electrified fences guarded by 600 Army men and 250 by the state police.

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drug war

“This will be their new home where they can no longer harm people,” President Nayib Bukele wrote on Twitter. The transfer, accompanied by spectacular images intended to show the Bukele government’s heavy fist on drug lords, has also been the subject of criticism from prisoner rights organizations.

In the videos we see the treatment reserved for them: all in white shorts, undressed, barefoot, shaved heads and handcuffed wrists and legs. Since the declaration of a national emergency, more than 64,000 suspects have been arrested without warrants and without access to legal counsel.

According to human rights organizations, many innocent people were involved in this war against drug traffickers and dozens of them died in police custody.

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