Florida Student brutally beats teacher who confiscated Nintendo Switch Multiplayerit

Florida: Student brutally beats teacher who confiscated Nintendo Switch Multiplayer.it

From the United States, and Florida in particular, comes a disturbing testimony about youbrutal raid suffered by aTeacher attacked by a student where he had been confiscated a Nintendo Switch recently.

Although the scenes from Violence unfortunately not outside the school context, either in the US or elsewhere (as the recent fascist attack on a high school in Florence has also shown), in this case the question partly concerns the area we are dealing with for that Object that unleashed the boy’s anger appears to have been a Nintendo Switch.

According to the reconstruction carried out by the police, which was to a certain extent confirmed by the accused himself, who was arrested a few minutes after the attack, a Nintendo Switch had been confiscated from the boy, which was presumably used in class or in any case at school where it is The use was not allowed.

After the incident, the boy followed the teacher (or some type of governess) down the corridors and attacked her from behind with unprecedented violence, throwing her to the ground and then delivering a series of particularly vicious punches. The Video which has been published in several American magazines is somewhat disturbing and definitely not recommended for impressionable audiences, you may be able to see it at this address.

The rather indifferent reaction of some bystanders also makes us think, which makes the scene even more surreal. The boy from 17 years However, he was then sedated after the woman was already lying unconscious on the ground and was finally arrested. The scene took place at Matanzas High School in Palm Coast, and the perpetrator is a boy from a group home whose mental status is being assessed.

The attacker explained that he attacked because a Nintendo Switch was taken away from him and continued to verbally abuse and threaten the death of the educator even after he was handcuffed. The victim was taken to hospital and is said to be recovering from his injuries without any problems, while the boy is in child welfare services on charges of violent assault.