A year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the war is also redrawing the map of scientific cooperation: Russia has greatly increased cooperation with China and India, compared to a decline with Western countries such as the United States and Germany, while Ukraine seems to be tightening relations with Poland. That’s according to an analysis by Nature magazine, which examined the scientific articles in the Scopus database, which collects studies from more than 5,000 international publishers. The data available so far point to changes that will become more apparent this year, as many of the articles published in 2022 were submitted to journals well before Western institutions stopped collaborating with Russia in response to the invasion. The data also shows that the decline in scientific ties between Russian and Western institutions has actually started about a decade ago, a trend that seems to have accelerated in 2022. Similarly, China has increased cooperation with most countries except the United States in recent years. So his growing influence on Russia may not be particularly unusual.
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