Barbara DUrso angry at a paparazzi You swore you wouldnt

Barbara D’Urso angry at a paparazzi: “You swore you wouldn’t have published it”

At the end of January, Barbara D’Urso confessed to “Verissimo” that she had become a grandmother: “I became a grandmother and I’m totally crazy about my niece, unfortunately I can hardly see her because there are two of us in different cities”. And the weekly newspaper “Chi” published on Wednesday March 1 the photos of the Mediaset presenter with her two sons Giammauro and Emanuele Berardi, the first accompanied by his wife and their newborn daughter in a stroller. The one Barbara D’Urso talked about with Silvia Toffanin. During “Pomeriggio5” on March 1, D’Urso hosted Alex Fiumara, a well-known gossip paparazzi.


And from his presence sparked the support of the presenter: “I wanted to tell you something Alex, don’t worry today because it’s not the day,” D’Urso began. “You know I’ve always defended the paparazzi, I love every paparazzi. I think it’s a difficult job and I respect you very much. But today isn’t the day because one of you didn’t behave well towards me. He didn’t behave well because he took pictures of me, I was hiding among people with my children. I went up to him and begged him, I really said, “Please keep these photos to yourself.” Because we are very inconspicuous, I am not one of those who take pictures with pregnant daughters-in-law, with pregnant daughters. So I asked him for this favor. He swore on his life these photos would never get out.” Instead, they even made the front page. Unleashing the presenter’s wrath.