Here are 20 inspirational actresses from the small screen in

Here are 20 inspirational actresses from the small screen in Quebec

You are independent, professional, ambitious. They are leading women, career women, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, lovers. Also fighters who love justice and fairness. Women juggling the complexity of our society, our interpersonal ties, the need for reconciliation with the current reality. A look at 20 outstanding characters whose daily struggles shape our minds.

• Also read: Shows to watch as a family

Emmanuelle St-Cyr


Photo provided by Eric Myre

Emmanuelle, emergency doctor and head of the emergency room at Saint-Vincent hospital, is on adrenaline. Everything is clear with her, everything runs smoothly and everyone wants to surpass themselves. Patients are his priority, sometimes even at the expense of his own safety. She is also available to her friends and brother and likes to organize well-watered dinners. If she seems to be stunned by work and no-future relationships, it’s because Emmanuelle is struggling to understand her husband’s death and son’s escape. But she watches over all those she loves and watches over.

Gabrielle Lamme


Photo provided by Eric Myre

Crown Prosecutor Gabrielle is dedicated solely to defending her clients. Domestic violence is his fight. She’s a strong woman who doesn’t let herself be impressed. If she cannot help a woman in need, she will do everything in her power to offer her the best conditions. This devotion hides, we gradually feel, a vulnerability of the past that has made it its strength.

Maya Dery


Photo from L’Échappée’s Facebook page

First on board, the sergeant didn’t have much style when she landed at Sainte-Alice. She doesn’t smile much. She is direct, stubborn, sensitive. It’s both hot and shiny. Nothing impresses him in front of the suspects. She observes them and skillfully recognizes their mistakes. It’s as impressive as it is effective.

Cindy Castonguay


Photo provided by Dominique Perron

Anti-Gang Squad detective Cindy is fearless. And nothing can stop him from work, not even a gunshot wound that forces him to make his descents armed with a stick. She has her openness, expresses herself humorously, without detours. She has already infiltrated organized crime, allowing her to have certain privileged contacts whom she visits at a Carbonara court. She is now teaming up with Lily-Rose, another strong woman. A duo that cannot be imposed.

Chantal Daigle


Photo archive, Agency QMI

All women in Quebec, and even Canada, have Chantal Daigle to thank for fighting an historic battle thirty years ago to give a woman the right to command her body as she sees fit. She was in her early twenties when she confronted Jean-Guy Tremblay, with whom she had a toxic relationship. After getting pregnant, she leaves him and asks for an abortion. Against her decision, he drags her into a court case that will mark a major step in the woman’s history.



Photo courtesy of Encore Television

Cindy has a positive influence on the people she meets. She is sweet and patient. By entering the life of Leo, this teenager without much ambition, she made him want to achieve goals. Cindy has always taken care of her brother who lives with an intellectual disability, she spends a lot of time with her mother who has Alzheimer’s disease in addition to her motherhood. Professionally, she rose to the management of the Dubeau factory and supported Léo in setting up his own company. The work-family balance has a great ambassador here.



It’s not easy being catapulted into an environment we know little about, and especially adversity. This is what Sarah experienced when she agreed to become the new director of the Hôtel Dumont. Sarah has all the qualities for the job but has to work with the owner’s son who expected to get there and an assistant manager who is not always up to the job and has his own challenges. She learns the hard way.



It is often said that young people with a serious illness become stronger so as not to worry their parents even more. Such is the case of Margot, a force of nature. She lives with a horrific diagnosis, ovarian cancer, a disease that killed her mother. She worries about her grieving father, who is drowning in alcohol. She finds support in her roommates, who juggle similar challenges to hers. Margot remains strong for others, but her illness forces her to grieve early, such as never being able to be a mother. Lots of challenges for a teenager.

Marilou Cote


It is extremely difficult to report when someone has been abused. Marilou didn’t hesitate for a second before filing a complaint against the advertising darling. We tried to slander it, to discredit it. Exposing powerful people brings its share of sadness. One thing is for sure, she has grown in dignity, even if discouragement, doubt and helplessness can take over. Every victim has their own journey. She has to respect herself. But Marilou inspires and paves the way.



Photo courtesy of Club Illico

Cheerful and generous, Annick is a popular woman who knows everyone. Her life was turned upside down when the train sped downtown into the bar where she was supposed to be working that night. Driven by a strong sense of guilt, she watches over those left behind, including her best friend Corinne, who has developed a terrible psychosis after the events.

Maryse Ferron


Photo courtesy of ALSO Productions

Maryse shows tremendous resilience. She is a brilliant and determined woman and heads the investigative unit. Confined to a wheelchair due to a rare syndrome, nothing can stop her. On the contrary, she does more to prove to those who would doubt that she’s the best at her job. Since her illness is degenerative, she exercises to push her limits. She’s a fighter who lives at a hundred miles an hour.

Christine Leveske


A highly efficient real estate agent, Christine serves her clients with aplomb, skillfully negotiates her transactions and constantly encourages her colleagues to excel. She is proud and ambitious. Of the three sisters, she is the most aggressive on the market. So far, his career has taken precedence over his love affairs. Customers are in good hands with her.

Inez said


Photo archive, agency QMI

As an intern in a renowned law firm, you have to be solid. In addition to having excellent interpersonal skills, Inès is outgoing, resourceful and very insightful. You might think she’s a bit naïve, but she won’t be pushed. When acting on the defensive side, every little detail counts. Inès is a keen observer and often manages to spot the error for the benefit of the firm’s clients. She climbs the ladder and gains confidence. It is the partners’ secret weapon and the future of the office.

Isabelle Gagnon


Photo courtesy of Eve B. Lavoie

One of Isabelle’s great qualities is her sense of humor and self-deprecation. She goes a long way, but manages to practice letting go without feeling too much guilt. Self-employed, she runs her own business while raising three children and continuing to advise her ex. On the other hand, it’s time for Isabelle to think a little about herself. Her sister does everything to get her out of her celibacy.

Marie Luce


Photo provided by Bertrand Calmeau

We can say that Marie-Luce faced several pitfalls as she runs the family business alone. The malicious death of her husband found in the pigsty, the remains of a corpse found in the barn, the involvement of one of her sisters, Marie-Jeanne, and her associate Faubert in organized crime, and much more. But she never bends. On the contrary, she fights for her people and never hesitates to deal with Tina, the one who brought trouble to the city. Strong, independent, generous, she offers tireless support to those she loves and knows how to play her cards well. And she agrees to be loved despite the betrayals she’s been the victim of in the past.

Alice Martin Sommer


Photo courtesy of Karl Jessy

Investigator with procedures not always followed, Alice is a vigilante. She works for the Sex Crimes Task Force, a unit that handles cases as complex as they are dirty. We believe her interventions are deeply tied to her mysterious past, making her unflinching and determined to bring justice.



Photo provided by Marlene Gelineau Payette

Owner of the bar where the boys end their days, Nat always gives good advice. She is intelligent, reasonable. She is an independent woman who knows what she wants. She has developed a special affection for Christian, whose confidante she is, but does not intend to be a part of his many conquests.



Photo archive, agency QMI

Entering the adult world means gaining autonomy and breaking free from the daily routine developed in the family. Camille is an independent young woman trying to escape her mother’s expectations. She wants to shape her life and her career in her own way. A stay abroad, away from those she loves, has confirmed what she doesn’t want when she doesn’t know exactly what she does want. But Camille also discovers a lie that has affected everything she’s been through. A shock that confirms that she wants to run the sequel according to her rules, in transparency and authenticity.



Photo provided by ICI Télé

Nurse and sexologist Sarah is a complex woman with many questions. When she helps others solve their problems, her emotional and family life causes some Entrechats. At work, she is professional, reliable, empathetic, reassuring and in control. In civilian life she becomes worried, vulnerable, less accepted. Sarah the professional should rub off more on Sarah in love.



If Caroline has been a little bored in her life as a civil servant, we can say that she took a different tangent because of the snowman and the conspiracy that surrounds him. Caro doesn’t like lies. When her husband gets caught up in twisted stories, she wants to be part of the solution. Caroline is not afraid to speak her mind even if it puts her in uncomfortable situations, she is proactive, supportive and seeks justice.