11-year-old boy arrives in Slovakia alone with a simple plastic bag

Nina Droff 07:08, 07 March 2022

At the height of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an 11-year-old boy was detained on the border with Slovakia, who had fled his country alone. They just provided a plastic bag with a passport and a phone number written in hand, volunteers took care of the child on the spot.

While thousands of Ukrainians have fled the war since the conflict began, on Saturday volunteers from Slovakia saw the arrival of a little boy aged just 11. A migrant from Zaporozhye, where a nuclear power plant caught fire a few days ago. With a blue cap screwed on his head, this 11-year-old Ukrainian arrived at the border with Slovakia with only a plastic bag with a passport and a phone number written on his hand.

“Real Hero”

Local volunteers immediately accepted him and gave him something to eat and drink. Social media hailed the little boy’s “courage and determination worthy of a true hero.” Slovak police say he arrived alone by train from the city of Zaporozhye in southern Ukraine. Her mother had to stay in the village to take care of her own disabled mother.

She was contacted as soon as her son arrived in Slovakia and later posted a video message on social media to thank the Slovak volunteers. “I am very grateful for saving my child’s life. In your small country, there are people with big hearts,” she said. The child was picked up by his relatives in Slovakia, who took him to Bratislava.