Taiwan: China, we stand ready against pro independence provocations ANSA news agency

The Chinese military is “always ready to fight against all provocations of independence” from Taiwan and “interference by external forces at any time, while resolutely defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”This is Defense Department spokesman Tan Kefei’s warning in response to the new US arms sale to Taipei announced by the Pentagon on Wednesday for the equivalent of $620 million. The package, the ninth under the Biden administration, includes hundreds of missiles for the fleet of F-16 jets, an operation “we strongly oppose,” Tan added in a statement.

The United States “seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs, seriously violated the one-China principle and the three joint Sino-US communiqués, and seriously harmed China’s sovereignty and security interests.” A move, Tan added, that “seriously threatens cross-strait peace and stability.” China, “very dissatisfied” with the affair, “presented solemn statements to the United States asking for the suspension of all “arms sales and military ties with Taiwan.” to “not meddle in the Taiwan issue and not exacerbate tensions in the Taiwan Strait”.

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