Final details on the launch of the Physical Activity Party

Final details on the launch of the Physical Activity Party Better Informed

Since February 25th and until Sunday March 5th, activities related to the Sport activity party which takes place in Cipollett. This weekend, the estate on Pacheco and Rivadavia streets will be illuminated by the presence of regional and national artists. Among other things, there will be food trucks and a handicraft fair.

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“In addition to the musical starting line-up, there will logically be the races. Both start on Pacheco Street and we already have 12,000 people registered,” Cipolletti’s Secretary for Physical Activity and Sport, Liliana Artola, told AM550 And CN24/7.

Los Nocheros is playing tonight, Los Palmeras on Saturday and La Mosca on Sunday.

Through the networks, the Cipolletti authorities have opened the net for this long-awaited National Festival of Physical Activity. Conversely, it was also reported that traffic will be closed on Mengelle and Pacheco roads (entry lane to Cipolletti activated, lane to Neuquén closed and exit will be through Lisandro de la Torre). Rivadavia and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz are also canceled.