1677876147 Giulia Salemi hot incident the daring dress shows everything

Giulia Salemi, hot incident: the daring dress shows everything |

Julia Salem and Pierpaolo Pretelli have overcome the crisis and have performed again together with Big Brother Vip.

The showgirl’s success is steadily growing and her space is slowly being created in the world of entertainment.

But glitches happen, and sometimes even style. In fact, Salemi couldn’t avoid one hot accident with his dressed a little too risky. Fans spot a snap that goes viral and pretty much everything gets seen.

Giulia Salemi gets out of the car and you can see everything

Her slim figure and perfect curves allow her to wear almost any outfit, even the most daring.

And with one of them everything happened. In fact, the showgirl flaunted during an important event a stunning dress that hides very little.

Julia SalemJulia Salem

The dress that outlines the stunning curves hinted at, with a deep splitthe legs and part of the groin and abdomen.

In short, a dress that it leaves very little to the imagination but underlines the sensuality and beauty of the model. How did the friend take it?

Giulia Salemi and Pierpaolo Pretelli: Crisis over?

The young couple, who have always shown themselves to be very close, have experienced a moment of crisis. In fact, during an episode of Big Brother Vip, Giulia had explained that they were experiencing a couple crisis moment with Pierpaolo.

But during the February 27 episode, Pretelli surprisingly took the stage along with his beloved Giulia and confirmed it overcoming the difficult time they were going through.

On this occasion, Alfonso Signorini immediately took the opportunity to learn more and to the question “Are you back together?” Pierpaolo replied: “The psychological session you gave us had its effect.”

in summary, If Giulia and Pierpaolo are back together, it’s also thanks to Alfonso Signorini who, once learning of the crisis, acted as a peacemaker to reunite the two lovers.