Plastic pollution Researchers discover it quotplasticityquota disease caused by ingestion

Plastic pollution: Researchers discover it "plasticity"a disease caused by ingestion of waste

A study conducted on juvenile light-footed shearwaters in Australia identified digestive fibrosis specifically caused by plastic debris.

Article written byTRUE OR FALSE Is France one of the few European

Published on 03/03/2023 21:54

Reading time: 1 min

It’s a discovery they wouldn’t have made. Researchers have identified cases of digestive fibrosis caused by plastic ingestion in seabirds, according to a study published Sunday, February 26 in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. “The extent and severity of fibrosis observed in this study suggest a novel plastic-induced fibrotic disease that we call ‘plasticosis,'” write the authors, from research centers in Australia and the UK.

Unlike diseases caused by viruses or bacteria, exposed “plasticosis” is caused by small pieces of plastic inflaming the digestive tract. Over time, the stomach becomes lined with scars that do not resorb and deforms, with consequences for the animal’s growth, digestive capacities and survival, reports the Museum of Natural History of London (in English), which is involved in the Study conducted in Australia.

“These birds may look good on the outside, but they’re not okay on the inside,” warns one of the co-authors, Alex Bond, noting that this is the first time stomach tissue from seabirds has been the subject of the study such a study. So far, only one species has been the subject of this research, in this case juvenile light-footed shearwaters, which are said to be highly susceptible to plastic.

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