After the departure of Fred Nicácio, the sister remains the most hated on BBB 23 Splash

Collaboration for Splash, in São Paulo

3/4/2023 8:42 amUpdated on 3/4/2023 8:42 am

For almost a month, Key Alves has led the BBB 23 (Globo) Most Hated Sister ranking in the UOL poll. With the departure of Fred Nicácio nothing changed in the result. Now the volleyball player adds 30.59% of the votes.

Darling Wicked? Although Key adds more votes than hated on the show, the athlete is also named the reality show’s second favorite by UOL audiences with 28.92% of the vote.

Along with Key, some of the most hated on the show include Cara de Sapato, Fred Desimpedidos and Amanda. In the partial procedure they add up to 12.19%, 11.44% and 10.75% of the votes.

Key’s position at BBB 23. The sister has been in several fights before and has more than one rivalry at play:

  • From the beginning, the athlete showed a rivalry with several sisters on the program. Bruna Griphao even pointed out that the volleyball player has a problem with women.
  • MC Guimê, Bruna and Larissa are the main targets of the athlete. Key dislikes Guimê mainly because he nominated Gustavo for Paredão. As for Bruna and Larissa, the famous believed that both snuggled up to the cowboy, calling them spoiled and cocky.

POLL BBB 23: Who is most hated in the game after Fred Nicácio left?