Two explosions were heard today in the city of Zaporizhia, in southern Ukraine, while an air raid alarm was raised in the region of the same name and in half of the country’s regions: Ukrainian broadcaster Suspline reported on Telegram and in local media. In addition, according to local media, power was cut in some parts of the city. Earlier, according to local media, Russian troops had bombed some areas of the region that lie on the line of contact, killing two and wounding one.
Meanwhile, the death toll from a Russian missile attack has risen to 10 on a condominium. A child is among the victims. This was announced by the state rescue service office of the Zaporizhia region on Facebook, reports Ukrinform. Over the course of two days, rescuers cleared the area of the Russian rocket attack that hit a residential building in Zaporizhia and removed more than 333 tons of debris.
Meanwhile, Russian forces this morning bombed the town of Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk region of southern Ukraine, regional military administration chief Serhiy Lysak told Telegram, national media reported. The attack caused no injuries or deaths, but one shop and four homes were damaged while a power line was cut.
At least four people died and 12 others were injured in attacks by Russian forces in the past 24 hours, which have hit eight regions of the country: local authorities have announced this, the Kyiv Independent reported. The military administration of the Kherson region in southern Ukraine said Russia bombarded the region 69 times yesterday with mortars, artillery, tanks, drones and multiple-missile systems. Russian forces have eliminated up to 70 Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed a US-made howitzer near Kherson, Russia’s Tass news agency reports.
“There is fighting in the city and also in the streets, but thanks to Ukrainian forces, they have not yet taken the city under their control,” Bakhmut Deputy Mayor Oleksandr Marchenko told the BBC, referring to the city under Russian control Siege. Meanwhile, the army claims it has repelled numerous attacks in the city over the past 24 hours, the BBC reports. “Their only goal is to kill people and commit genocide against the Ukrainian people. Russian tactics are scorched earth. They want to destroy Bakhmut, they want to destroy the city,” Marchenko added.
“I hope that the accession negotiations can start this year: Ukraine’s future lies in the European Union”. This was stated by the President of the Eurochamber Roberta Metsola during her visit to Kiev. “The pace at which the Verkhovna Rada and the government are making progress in applying for EU membership is impressive,” he added.
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