Licia Colo and her husband Alessandro Antonino separated after 20

Licia Colò and her husband Alessandro Antonino separated after 20 years

“My husband and I have separated.” This is one of the headlines on the front page of the weekly newspaper Nuovo, announcing the end of the marriage between Licia Colò, 60, and Alessandro Antonino, 11 years younger. The couple had married in 2004 (they had only met three months earlier) and the following year they had their only daughter, Liala, a name created by merging the names Licia and Alessandro. She is the presenter and disseminator of topics related to the environment (on La7 she hosts the program Eden – A planet to save), he is a painter and famous on social media as Mr. Nat. (She hosted the column The Travels of Alessandro Antonino on Tv2000). “I am 11 years older than my husband, but for me he is a young old man – said Licia Colò in an interview published some time ago -. My husband and I have completely different approaches to life. This keeps our dialogue always stimulating and entertaining. When I thought I couldn’t do it, he supported me and gave me strength and courage.» But strength and courage also have an expiry date.

Licia Colò was in a relationship with tennis player Nicola Pietrangeli from 1987 to 1994. Later, from 1994 to 2003, she was linked to Mediaset cinematographer Carlo Brotto. In 2004 she met Alessandro Antonino, whom she married in June of the same year after three months of acquaintance.