Iran: New cases of poisoning in young girls reported, mystery remains

The poisoning of several schoolgirls was reported in two high schools for girls, but also in one elementary school. Several hundred cases of gas poisoning have been reported in the past three months.

By Le Figaro with AFP

Published 05/03/2023 at 12:00, updated 05/03/2023 at 12:00

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A young woman was hospitalized after being poisoned. Portal

New cases of poisoning of young girls were listed in several regions of Iran on Sunday, where the mystery of the case continues, causing strong emotions in the country. The poisoning of several students was reported in two girls’ high schools in the cities of Abhar (west) and Ahvaz (southwest), but also in a primary school in Zanjan (west), Isna News Agency reported, citing local Isna News Agency health officials.

Schoolgirls in schools in the holy city of Mashhad (northeast), Shiraz (south) and Isfahan (centre) were also poisoned, according to the Mehr and Ilna agencies. According to the official census, several hundred cases of gas poisoning were reported in 52 companies in the past three months.

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“Rekindle the extinguished flame of the riots”

In a press release published on Saturday evening, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi reported without further details about the discovery of “suspicious samples” during “field research”. President Ebrahim Raïsi called on the interior and intelligence ministries on Friday to “defeat the enemy’s conspiracy aimed at creating fear and despair among the population”.

When asked by the Fars agency, Deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi accused the “designers of girl poisoning” of wanting to “close the schools” but also “blaming the system” to “revive the country’s extinguished flame.” riots”. The official was referring to the protest movement sparked in Iran by the September 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman arrested by morality police who accused her of violating the strict dress code that women in particular forced to wear the veil.

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According to Majid Mirahmadi, “a very small percentage” of the poisonings were caused by “deliberate acts,” but “a significant proportion” of the students suffered complications from “fear and stress.” Last week, a health ministry official explained that through these actions, “certain individuals” were attempting to “close all schools, especially girls’ schools.” This version has not been adopted by other maintainers. This mysterious case provoked mobilizations from parents of students who were worried about their children and called on the authorities to take action.