school students can receive a BRL 85000 SCHOLARSHIP Find out

school students can receive a BRL 850.00 SCHOLARSHIP: Find out how to participate PronaTEC

Nowadays, students at all levels of school can count on the help of scholarships. Whether in regular undergraduate, undergraduate, or graduate study, there are opportunities that can provide financial assistance to students, particularly for those who are at greater socioeconomic risk.

In addition to scholarships from the federal government, which is responsible for announcing the new regulations, there are other institutions that can award scholarships. Such is the case with the Institute of Music and Education, which offers R$850 scholarships to public school students and other groups.

Public school students are eligible for a BRL 850.00 SCHOLARSHIP: Find out how you can participateFind out more about the scholarships that students can get / Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia /

Public school students can get a scholarship of R$ 850

First of all, it should be mentioned that music plays an important role when it comes to mobilizing areas of the brain with the aim of enlarging synapses. This is because it has the potential to activate points of memory, thought, and attention. So it is clear that music can positively influence the life of a citizen.

Anyone who wants to develop in the field of music can count on the opportunities offered by the Brazilian Institute of Music and Education (IBME), an institution that offers 105 scholarships. In addition, there are also a number of bodies for the formation of the reserve register.

The scholarships are part of an incentive for those who wish to improve their knowledge of a musical instrument or singing. In this way, those considered for the scholarships can receive amounts ranging from R$200 to R$850.

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What does the participant have access to?

Fellows have access to various activities such as instrumental lessons, rehearsals and also music lessons including theory and solfeggio and music appreciation. The forecast is that the activities will take place between March and December 2023.

It is worth mentioning that one of the points of the selection process is the integration of public school students outside of the reference groups such as the Rio de Janeiro Youth Choir, the Fluminense Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Rio de Janeiro Youth Symphony Band.

The vacancies for each of the groups are 40 positions, 21 positions and 44 positions, respectively. The instruments for each occasion may vary but include trombones, oboes, tubas, etc.

How to participate

To participate, the student must be a student in a public school, whether local, state, or federal. University students can also take part in the selection process.

The assessment of the scholarship holders takes place via video, with a specialist committee evaluating the applicants according to the following aspects: tempo, fluid execution, rhythmic precision, sonority and intonation, musical phrasing and musicality, instrument positioning and posture.

Registration is possible until March 13 at:

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