Shocking footage shows high school fight turning into 200 person brawl

Shocking footage shows high school fight turning into 200-person brawl involving parents

A shocking brawl involving 200 people involving students, parents and police officers broke out at a Louisiana high school Wednesday morning as the campus was thrown into chaos.

At least three police officers were injured and ten people arrested as crowds, including parents, joined the melee.

Footage of the clash showed the moment a police officer brutally banged a student’s head against a brick wall, while dozens of students and police officers violently beat each other in various incidents.

Officials are still trying to explain how the ugly scenes unfolded at East Baton Rouge Readiness Alternative School, which enrolls students previously suspended or expelled from other schools in the district.

The NAACP released a statement in response to the circulating video calling for “immediate action” against officers beating students and condemning parents involved.

The organization also said it has spoken to the sheriff’s department to ensure all footage of the incident, including body camera footage, is reviewed as part of the investigation.

Footage captured the moment an officer punches a student in the face and his head crashes into a wall behind him

Footage captured the moment an officer punches a student in the face and his head crashes into a wall behind him

East Baton Rouge School District communications director Ben Lemione insisted school officials

East Baton Rouge School District communications director Ben Lemione insisted school officials “would not tolerate” the incident.

According to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, school board security was the first on the scene just after 8 a.m. after responding to reports of major unrest on campus.

And authorities were quick to call for assistance after discovering the violence, which spread to about 200 struggling students and parents.

Local reports indicate that hostility first erupted among a group of female students before quickly spreading throughout the campus.

Parents and outsiders rushed to the campus and joined the mass brawl after text messages were reportedly sent out urging people to participate.

Shortly after police first arrived, the rapid escalation prompted them to call in urgent support from all available units to quell the chaos.

As the students and officers clashed violently, officials said a Baton Rouge police officer was taken to the hospital with a broken hip and head injuries.

A total of 10 arrests were made by law enforcement, including three charged with assaulting a police officer, which constitutes a criminal offense.

Five teenagers were also arrested for disturbing the peace, an 18-year-old girl for unlawfully disturbing the school and resisting arrest, and a 17-year-old girl for disturbing the peace and resisting arrest.

None of the parents or outside adults were taken into custody, and all those arrested were between 15 and 18 years old.

A dozen students were arrested after the melee, including three charged with assaulting a police officer, which constitutes a criminal offense

A dozen students were arrested after the melee, including three charged with assaulting a police officer, which constitutes a criminal offense

Law enforcement agencies urged all available units to rush to the scene and provide assistance Students filmed police and their fellow students erupting in hostile encounters on campus

Law enforcement agencies urged all available units to rush to the scene and provide assistance

Video from one of the confrontations with police showed a 17-year-old student and a police officer struggling while the police officer tried to arrest him.

In scenes that have now become widespread, the officer then punches the student in the face, causing his head to be thrown back against a wall.

Police said the teenager had just slapped officers in the face and tried to bite them, and he was among those charged with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.

The Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the incident when contacted by

Authorities added that they found a loaded gun outside the school during the fight, but there is currently no indication it was fired.

Ugly scenes were caught on camera, including a particularly violent clash between an officer and a student Police violently confronted the runaway students as they went into a frenzy, with a 17-year-old, pictured, being arrested after assaulting an officer

Police violently confronted the runaway students as they went into a frenzy, with a 17-year-old, pictured, being arrested after assaulting an officer

“What[the police]went in was a series of fights and they started making arrests,” East Baton Rouge School District communications director Ben Lemione told WIBW.

“We just want to emphasize to the public that we will not tolerate this as a district, it’s a real shame.

“The fact that outsiders are coming onto our school premises and behaving in this way is of real concern to us and law enforcement.”

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System said in a statement it was working with authorities to review evidence and investigate what led to the school-wide conflict.

After the violence, Lemione added that the school remains open but is working with authorities to increase campus security.