News on hepatitis cases in children experts dispute adenovirus

News on hepatitis cases in children: experts dispute adenovirus

All theories must be verified

the age of the two austrian children is less than ten years old: One tested negative for adenovirus, both had Covid 19 infection. At least one disease course in a child began in February 2022.

in this report more than 200 cases worldwide listed, but numerous new cases are missing, such as those from Great Britain. (You can read the European Union report here)

Until now, healthy children with a strong immune system have suddenly become ill with inflammation of the liver, which is usually caused by viruses. Children aged between one month and 16 years are affected. Most cases occurred in Europe. The first cases in Britain were reported in January. In the US, the first case appeared in Alabama in October, as recently announced.

In most of the above cases, the occurrence of jaundice have a gastrointestinal disease To vomit, Diarrhea and nausea forward. Information on the outcome of cases is still being collected.

The ECDC therefore recommends that general good hygiene practices (including hand hygiene, Surface cleaning and disinfection) in kindergartens and schools. Deirdre Kelly, Pediatric Hepatologist at the Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Trust, added in interviews with British media: “As always, children who develop symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea should stay home and not go to school or school until 48 hours after symptoms appear. . decided to go back to kindergarten.”

Samples from symptomatic children should be tested for adenovirus, as well as other viruses that can cause hepatitis, soon after symptoms appear, according to the European Union’s top health authority.

As KURIER has reported in detail, scientists around the world are working on lighting. Currently there is only speculation about the cause. Both adenoviruses and SARS-CoV-2, as well as an interaction of both, are the focus of investigations.

Expert dispute explodes on social media

Adenovirus or Covid-19 infections could not be detected in all documented cases, and only some of the adenoviruses could be sequenced through the genome. Britain was told that some of the samples were in poor condition, and also required genome sequencing Time. Most patients in whom adenoviruses could be sequenced were of a variant that does not cause hepatitis.